Weakness X Strength

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A week passed fastly as I spent everyday trying my technique and improving the best strategy possible. I wanted to make sure I would have won against Kastro and then I could have made Lalah take him away before he could get a hold of Hisoka's and try to fight him.

-The amazing match between [Name] and Kastro is about to begin!- said the announcer as I looked into my new backpack and smirked:-[Name]'s last fight against Naoko has been pretty one-sided, showing [Name] strenght, but will she also able to fight Kastro and defeat him? He has already 8 wins and 2 loses, so he's very near to defeat the floor master!!- I stepped into the ring, looking around the public searching for Gon and Killua and the others, I found them as Gon waved to me happily.
In the other side of the ring, Kastro walked towards me, winking and smiling. I felt disgusted and I scoffed his advance away:-let this be a clean fight, point match, no time limit...- said the referee, and I stepped back and opened my backpack, taking out from it a gun, but not a normal gun, even if it seemed to everyone it was, but a paint gun.
Kastro rushed to me and made his doppelganger appear, so that one was in front of me and the other was at my right, I pointed my gun towards the one in the front, knowing that he was the original one and shooted at Kastro, which tried to dodge as my bulle exploded painintg him all in royal blue:-I studied your fights and I found out about the doppelganger, you won't be able to illude me like this!- I revealed smirking, trying to scare him, but what he said was far from being scared.
-You studied me? Oh [Name]!! I knew that we were meant for...- I shot in his mouth before he could end that sentence, and preparing a punch with nen I ran to him and kicked Kastro where it hurts, living him agonizing on the floor.

Am I really this strong?

I looked at all the people who started to cheer for me, as I went to Kastro asking myself if I killed him, but my answer soon arrived when he took my leg and pulled, making me fall on the concrete of the ring, I growled angry as I didn't expect it and I reached again for my backpack:-I won't forget this.- I said.

But he didn't seem to be impressed and without letting my leg go he lifted me up and prepared a punch, I didged and I tought on a move for exiting that situation, but then I felt a hand reach my tight and slowly caressing my skin. I shivered as I felt an huge amout of bloodlust from the area where Killua was.
-You're so sooft~♥- I yelled disgusted at him to stop as I conjured some teaser-gloves, I putted them on and said to Kastro: -Take this!!- and I twisted myself to face him and pusged my hands to his chest making the teaser gloves do their work, making the current pass through his bones and making him pass out.
I swiftly get to the ground and getting up I lifted my hands hight in a voctory pose.
I won.
-And with a fantastic technique [Name] won her second fight on the 200th floor of heavens arena!!-

-Wow [Name]!! You've been amazing! What technique did you use?- asked me Gon as I returned to them, after the fight:-I used nen... a very special nen...- I said, as I remembered what happened the night of a week earlier.


I smirked at the glass as I remembered what the leaf movements meant:-Manipulation and materialization....seems like my idea will be achieved for 100% sure.- I then went to Wing and asked him if buying a backpack and making it like a mage hat, where you can put everything and everything can get out was a good plan, but then he said it would have been better if I conjured it with nen, so that I would have been able to hide it if needed.

-so you think about getting everything you need and...- I stopped him, starting to explain my idea.
-I create an infinite backpack with nen, then I use it to contain all the other objects I can create from my materialization or manipulation abilities: I already tought about some limitations too...- I explained exited to Wing, as he looked at me surprised by my ideas.
-I can't put in my backpack objects that I didn't created or manipulated by my own nen, and every creation or manipulation will cost me part of my daily nen base according to how big the object is and what's special about it, so if I get to have no aura left, I'll have to stay in zetzu for two weeks, or until i recover fully.- I explained, as Wing tought about my mortal technique.

I smirked as the plan of my victory got into my mind:
-I know how to defeat Kastro!-
Lalah came to us as she complimented me for the fight, and I smiled at her thankful, then she looked over to Kastro that was being transported away in a barrel.
-I'll take care of him, you just get sure to follow the plan!!- she said to me, as I remembered the plan of Sadaso, Gido and Rhievelt to kidnapp Zushi.
-He'll save you, don't worry!!-
But in my mind, I wasn't worried about him to save me or not, but since I saw Naoko behind my sister hearing the conversation, I worried if she would have putted herself into that danger just to save me, even if that meant that Killua would have gone to save Naoko.

Wait. What if he fells in love with Naoko after he saves her??

I entered in full panic mode, as I wondered what to do about the kidnapping.

Hallo!! This is Wookie here!
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE NEN ABILITY? I hope you like it, if not, I would like to hear your opinion on this and maybe I'll get the rules to change or other things like that...
So if you have any suggestion, feel free to say it!!

I want to thank as usual all the readers old and new who support me and my stories with theyr like, comments and put them in theyr reading list or starts to follow me.

This week has been quite hard for me and I'm incredibly happy that I can still say to my parents that this is the best thing ever happened. I always get happy when I read a comment or I see that someone gave me a star or started to follow me. I really love you all, becouse It's not a lie when I say you are the reason why I'm happy! ^^


Killua x reader: Fear and BravenessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora