Staying x Going

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-What are we going to do?- I asked Killua, thinking that maybe he already wanted to take the hunter exam, but his answer was very unexpected: -I don't know about you, but right now I want to know what happened to you this eight years, since you seem to have changed too much in too less time.-I took a deep breath before begin the long explanation.

-I still need to find most answers myself...-I said:-but i will tell you what I know!- and after looking at his very very cute confused gaze, I told him about the two dimensions and my life in the other wordl, about how the Hunters adventures tought me how to live without a regret and made me happy everyday. I told him even the part when he was an Anime character wich had a very huge amount of fans, avoiding saying "me included".
-I knew that I'm lovable!!-
-Don't get too self-obsessed, brat!- I said punching him playfully, as he kept talking and rambling about how awesome he was and how I was just jealous of his awesomeness.(A/N:prussia?is that you?)
I hesitated when I was about to spill things about the future but i decided to tell him that i knew what was going to happen, I told him about Ging and that I needed to search for him for finding out what really happened in this long eight years, and maybe the way to remember he and my life before too.


-So you are telling me that for the last eight years you stayed in another dimension while your evil counterpart took your place here? No wonder mom loved the other you then...-

He scratched the back of his head, then looked at me asking of what more specifically I wanted answers of.
-I want to know how I ended up in that dimension and what are the rules of this swapping....mainly, then I want to know what happened eight years ago since i forgot most of it...-

I don't want to go back, I just want to know why all this happened...and how.

-And how the Hunter Exam will help you?-
He asked, not fullt convinced about my pourpouse and method.
-I know who has the answers I seek as i said, and he is an hunter, so maybe if I become one too, I will have more chances...-I looked at the window, then back at Killua:-but I can't make it alone...- he seemed deep in tough, then he said:-Ok, Ok... I will accompany you, but what for me?-

Should I say to him about Gon?

-You will find fun, friends,adventures and the strength to free the things you can't reach now.- I said enigmally, hoping he would have catch some references without me spilling the details, he already knew that I was aware of the things that were going to happen, but that didn't meant that I wanted to say that to him.

He on the other way seemed deep in tough after my affirmation, while I sipped at my hot chocolate.

-Ok... I'll come with you... but if I don't find what you say, you will be punished, my style.- he smirked evilly:-If you mean buying you a life-time furniture of choco-robots, then why not, I'm not scared...-

But where will I find all that money?

Killua snikered:-who said it was about choco-robots?- then he made an adorable cat face:-but that's a good idea!-
I laughed at him:-you are always about chocolate, you meanie!!- and then I reached for something in my backpack.
-here, take this!- I handed the object to him as he smiled more:-Just what I wanted, you are the best [name]!!-
I snickered more at him, happy at his reaction.

I knew that taking chocolate with me was the best choice!
- so, the hunter exam, right?-
We walked in a bar where some people said we can make the inscription and we complied the files, then the girl who gave us the paper pointed towards a map, and said that we needed to find the exam site ourselves, since she was too bored to say the adress.

-And now??- Killua looked at the girl with a glare and then he gave a worried look at me, but I just smirked.

-Now the exam begins!-I said, then I searched trough the map for some clues, even if I knew perfectly where we needed to go.
I saw some squares and some circles on the map, every single one was at the same distance to one another, then two cross that were almost touching were in the whereabouts of Zaban city, one on the name of the city and one on the name of the street, I tought that it was just too easy and I even pointed it to killua:
-the two cross are the symbol of the Hunter association, and they are pointing towards this street in Zaban city..-
Killua nodded at my reasons, and then he gestured me the bartender. And there I saw it, right behind her, there was a picture of a steak, of a lightbulb and a snail. In that order and drawed like that, an unexpert eye would have seen nothing, but me being me I knew already what e were meant to understand from all this.

-I know exactly where the exam will be...- I whispered to myself, then I looked again at all the visible clues, and then at killua, that just looked at me expectantly.
cliffhanger for everyone this time~ I wat you to say what in your opinion will happen, will you find the exam site? Will you guess the password right? Will killua stop eating chocolate?
I wonder~

Thanks to the comments of Miku_Zoldyck, i updated early, so i would say this chapter is for her... ^^

Thank you for reading!

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