Fall x Stand x Plan

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-Now number 99, Killua.- said the speaker, and the called boy stood up excusing himself as I just smiled thinking if I should have followed him or not. Then I tought about something: the female toilet was right near the room Netero was interviewing, if I could muster to hear just some words, maybe it will trigger some memories...

It's worth a try.

-What are your opinions on the exam?- I heard Netero ask, his voice muffled by the wall but still clearly audible.
-It's easy...and boring...- I heard Killua say:-But is a good place for catching up.-

-Oh... now, can you tell me why do you want to become an hunter?-

-[Name] asked me, and then I heard that the exam should have been hard, maybe it was fun...- he half lied. Clearly, even Netero spotted the act.
-The truth uh? Well.... I want to be a normal boy, go out with friends, find a girlfried...stuff like that... And I want to be normal and become friend with Gon and [Name]... they are fun to be around.-
I smiled hearing this, I couldn't believe that I was a part of his "normality".

-Who do you keep your eyes on?-

-I would say Number 405, Gon... and also on [Name], number 100... they are different.-

-And who you wouldn't like to fight?-

Killua stayed silent for a moment, then he started:-[Name]... I can't picture myself hurting her...- then he lowered his voice, but being attentive as I was in that moment, I could hear:-I care too much about her for doing something to her...I love her.- then he said something else but I couldn't listen anymore.

He loves me?

I went in a fangirling trance as his words repeated in my mind.


-Number 100??- asked for the who-knows-which time, and I came out from the toilet, still a bit shoked about the sudden revelation.
I entered slowly in the room and Netero smiled at me:- So, you know already the questions.- he said, as he knew I was in that room all the time:-Answer me.-
I nodded.
-The exam is not easy, but not even hard for me, but I have to say that most of the Times I had Killua, Kurapika, Leorio and Gon helping me out, so is them the ons I'm putting my eyes on till now, and the people I least want to fight, even tought it would be necessary... they are my best friends!-I said.
He smiled softly at my confessions, then he asked me why did I wanted to become an Hunter.
-At first, I just wanted to do the exam for meeting Gon and the others, but along my journey I found too many mysteries I want an answer of, like what happened to me eight years ago, or why sometimes I go "Yin"... And I also want to save the people I watched dying, I want to save everyone I can.- I said, and he told me I could go and that he had my plans clear in his mind.
-You will make a fine hunter, I can tell.- he said, waving me a "see you soon".


-A WARNING TO ALL THE APPLICANTS, THE FINAL PHASE OF THE HUNTER EXAM WILL BEGIN SOON.- I heard, and after this announcement we all gathered in the main hall of the hotel we stayed:-Hello to all of you...- Said Netero beggining his explanation in witch the final phase was a one-on-one tournament, and explained the rules: The only loser will not get the licence, and is severely forbidden killing.

The first match was Hanzo versus Gon, and I was in deep tension.
-I know you can do it Gon! -I said:-Never give up!!- I cheered again as the fight began.

Don't give up Gon! Never!!

After an hour we were all on edge, but I kept yelling Gon to never give up, to fight for his dreams, just as I did to the screen when I watched Hunter x Hunter.
After other two hours, me, Leorio and Kurapika were already arguing on who was the first to make the young ninja pay, but as I looked at Killua's hand I started to get really worried:- Gon will win!- I whispered to him, holding his hand:-He won't give up that easly...-
-But what will be the price of it?- he asked and I could only stay silent.

-I need to find my father, that's why I want to become a Hunter, but I have the feeling that if I surrender now, I will never be able to see him!- I heard Gon yell:-And [Name] told me to never give up, so I won't!- I felt both giulty and proud of this, but at the end of the fight Gon still ended asleep with a broken wrist, and I had to fight Hanzo next. But before there would have been Kurapika's and Hisoka's fight.

-I go check on Gon...-I said, even if I knew that he wouldn't woke up yet.
-i'm sorry Gon... but I promise you I won't let him touch Killua. I swear I will.- I said to his sleeping figure.
After some time, one of the referee came and called me: -Your fight is going to begin soon.- I nodded, saying hello to Gon and walking to the fight.
I came just in time to see Hisoka whisper about the spider in Kurapika's ear and see his eyes turn red.
Walking back to us, I could have heard ask himself some question like if Hisoka was part of the spider and what will he tell him. I wondered if telling him now or not, but then I decided to not interfere, as my first fight was going to begin soon.
-Take care, don't end up like Gon, have you heard me?- I heard Killua say:-Be careful!!- I smiled and then I looked at the bald ninja:-I'm going to win this time!- he said, and I nodded. For my plan to have a chance, I need to lose against both him and Killua.

Ok, on with the plan.

I asked myself if put up a fight or not, but seeing it was useless since I had to fight Killua and his brother after, I sourrended right away, smirking as Hanzo fell shoked.
-Well, you won, happy?- I asked as I walked back to my place next to killua, as the battle between Hisoka and Bodoro began:- Next fight is you and me dear, and I won't let you lose.- I said to him with a wink.
-What?- he asked me, and I just smiled back:-I have a plan, do you trust me?-



-Next fight, number 99 Killua and number 100 [Name]! BEGIN!!- said the referee, and as I did with Hanzo, I sourrended right away, making Killua become a Hunter.

Next fight should have been me against Ghittarakur...

What will happen now??

-It wasn't you the one I was supposed to fight with.- said Ghitarakur as he toke away some of his facial pins, revealing Illumi's blank facial expression.
-Brother??- I heard Killua yell behind me as also Leorio asked what was happening.
-Yo kil!- he said, ignoring me totally:-Mother is really disappointed that you ran away, and she doesn't like that you took also [Name] with you.-
-it's not his fault!!- I yelled at him angry:-Leave him alone and free!!- I said, preparing myself to fight him.

I won't let you win this time, Illumi!!

I feel awful, I want to comment on some Amazing stories that I really really like but I'm too shy to do that. And then when I comment I get too critical and I don't want to hurt some very good author feelings... I'm really a pain.

This Saturday I've seen Avengers Age of Ultron and I fangirled like a mad girl, I just love that kind of films, anyone else here is a Super heroes fan?^^
I just love captain america!*^* nit as much as Killua tought. U.U

Thank you from the 4K reads~~ I love you all~~ ♥♥♥

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