Problem x Solution

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-[Name] don't goooo!!- said my sister as I stepped out from the airship to the top floor of the trick tower.
-Listen to me guys!- I segnaled to Gon and the others, ignoring totally my sibiling.
-Take care of yourself, and Killua, if you found him annoying, you have my permission to kill him.-
-who are you talking about?-
But I just shrugged it off, wished them good luck and then I jumped into one of the hidden doors.
-This is the way of the tricks and questions, if you manage to get the answer of the tests, you will pass. if not you will have to wait 12 hours for every mistake. Do you accept?- I smiled:-maximum of 5 errors, unknown number of unknown tests, physiologic damage too I see...- I tought smirking:-I accept!-
-well, then choose a door.-
I looked towards me and I saw 5 doors, one with hearts, one with spades, one with diamonds, one with clubs and one with a star on it.
In front of every door was a piece of paper.
The one in front of the hearts door said: "Red take to paradise, black take to hell."
This could mean that the hearts and diamonds should be the right doors.
The paper of the diamonds door said:"in the red you fight, in the black you escape."
But this say the exact opposite.
The spades door's paper was: "Red blood, black shadow."
This is not even a proper clue!!
The clubs door was a blank paper, maybe it was written with a special invisible ink.

How can I make it visible?

Invisible ink can be seen if you heat up the paper, so I took a lighter from my backpack and let that pass behind the paper slowly until four forms appeared on the paper: one was a card with a Joker on and at that right a skull, under the joker there was a star and the double X of the hunter association.

The right door is the star one!!

I opened the door with the star symbol and I saw a long long hallway. I runned trought it until another door appeared.

"For opening this door you have to complete the puzzle."

And I saw four pieces of an unknow figure, I tried to find out what that was trying to put them in different places, until I found a familiar picture:-it's similar to the runes on the kiriko's daughter arms...- and I put all the pieces on the board near the door, as it opened again, showing some stairs.
I ran down the stairs too, if the test were all that easy, I guess I could have got down even before Hanzo.
-Another test: Water,Alcohol or Venom?-
I saw three bottles of trasparent contents in the table, the question was: wich bottle contained venom?

I can see which is which controlling the taste, but if I find the venom before the other two, I'll be dead: i'm not killua after all.
Maybe looking at the boiling temperature...


I took again the lighter from my backpack and the termometer that was on the table near the bottles and started to warm up the substances.
The first boiled at 80 Celsius, making it Alcohol, the second one at 100 Celsius, as water did, and the last one I didn't even had to try for proving that is was venom. I took the little bottle with me and putted all back in backpack, then I ran again down the long stairs.


-Find the solution before the time goes by.-
And after that a huge, big problem written in some encrypted version of the hunter language, and a timer that showed 2 minutes. I just looked at the words trying to find a kay that could have helped me with the decryption, but the two minutes passed without me knowing eveen just a word of it.
-You left the test without answer, you shall spend the next twelve hours in the room at right.-
-Ok... I deserved this...- I told to myself as I stepped inside a familiar room, fulled with familiar people:
-Killua? Gon! Kurapika! Leorio?- I asked calling them: -What are you doing here?-
Then I facepalmed at myself, I knew exactly why they were there!
-The applicant number 100 will spend here 12 hours.- said Lippo's voice:-While the applicants number 16,99,403,404 and 405 will have to wait 50 hours.-

So we have to wait together...

-Hey Killua? What kind of technique did you use before with Jones?-
I knew already the answer, but I listened anyway at the answer: -It wasn't really a technique... I just took his heart and took it away.- I smiled.

Jones heart isn't the only one you stole.

-[name]? Are you in here?-I suddenly heard Gon and Kurapika voices ask me.
-I'm in the classroom! I'm in the classroom!!- I yelled jumping up, as I was too much interested in my own wordl.
-hey,hey...jeez...- said Tompa:-You kinds are really full of energy these days...-
-You will have not long to live if you keep like this, old traitor~- I sing-sung, smirking at his blank and scared face.
-She is not serious, right?- I heard Leorio ask kurapika, while I just shrugged:
-If what Killua said was right, she also trained with the Zaoldyeck family, so maybe she has some assassination skills as well....-
-no, don't worry.- I answered Kurapika's doubt.
-They've just helped her improve some basic abilities such as strengt and agility, nothing about serious work, that cames after the...- Killua preceded me in the answer, but then he stopped and blushed:- after the what?- asked again Gon, curious as well.
I tried to think about what he could have told about, but it came to nothing, until a little memory fell into my mind.
-[name], stop running!!-
-But mum!! I can't be late, Killua will get angry!!- the little me said to my mother, as I continued to run towards the park.
-[Name] you finally arrived! You are always sluggish as ever!-
The little me pouted at the boy.
-It wasn't my fault!!- then we started to play again, and when the sun was starting to set, the little boy took my hand:-You will always stay with me, right?- he asked, a solemn look in his eyes, as I nodded smiling, he reciprocated the happy look:-then let's make a promise!- he said:-When we will grow up, we will go toghether for adventures, and when we will be old enought, we will marry each other!-
I agreed with a wide grin, and he bit his finger, telling me to do the same.
-it's a promise!- we united the blood that flooded out from our fingers.
-Toghether forever!-
I murmured the last words of my memory, smiling as I remembered the promise:-Toghether forever- I said out loud still excited by the fact that I remembered a so important fact about my childhood in the hunter wordl.
-You remembered?- asked Killua, even if I couldn't understand if he was more happy or just amused by my new discovery.
I slighty nodded as he smiled, then blushed looking away:-Well then shouldn't you go? Your twelve hours are passed.-
-Killua, you are lying!!-Said Gon pouting and I smiled at the two boys, starting to laugh.
-Why don't we rest for a while? I bet that you had a really hard fight.- I said, knowing that it was the true opposite.
-not really, but why not, a good sleep will help.- I heard even Kurapika yawn from his book, and I reached him with a cover: -here, take this at least!- then I reached Killua and Gon and I snuggled at the young assassin's chest, wishing good night to everyone and closing my eyes smiling.
-Have nice dreams!- I heard Kurapika, Gon and Leorio say.
-Sleep well, princess.-wispered Killua as I fell asleep on his chest, starting to sweetly dream.



Nya~ [Name] is so smart!

Who guessed the answer right?
I as usual want to thank all the readers, but especially: Achokawa and AlliahZoldyk for the constant commenting that always bring my hopes and humor up. Thanks a lot!!♥♥♥♥


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