Alone X Friends X Storm

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-[name]!! Wake up!! They' re leaving us!!-
I heard Gon and Killua's voices say as I awoke.
-What? Oh... right.... the storm...- I said, the voice still muffered by the sudden clash.
-Storm??- said Gon, thinking:-Maybe that noise was...- then he too realized what was exactly the feeling he had until now:-We have to tell Kurapika and Leorio!!- he said jumping up and sprinting out from the cabin, while I was still too asleep for do something like that so fastly.
-Here...- said Killua tending me his hand, which I took gladly and he helped me standing, but since he used too much force, I ended up falling towards him amd making us stuble on the floor, with me on top of him.


-I'm sorry!! Sorry!!- I said all flushed, as he blushed too and tried to lift himself up.
Some moments later we were both able to move and we followed Gon.


-There is a storm coming this way, you have to believe me!! I've seen it!! - I yelled at the people that watched me in disbelief:- and why we should?- said Tompa:-You're just a little girl and you can't give us proof on what you are saying!-
-Becouse even me, Gon, Leorio and Kurapika are telling you it's the truth!- said Killua, helping me.
-I can't understand exactly, if you could give us some proof...- said Hanzo and I startong to think of where the diary was hood.

The captain cabin? Or was it another room?

After some searching we found the captain diary and the map, so we started to make a plan for escaping before the storm arrived.
I told Kurapika what I've seen and he told me ot was too risky, and I sbuffed:-But what of we can do it just on that manner??- he thought about it for a while then he said no. He had an even better plan this time, and after he told something to Gon and Killua, he and Gon leaved the room smirking.
-[name], it's you and me now...- said Killua even he smirking, and I started to fear what was Kurapika's plan this time.
-W-what??- I shivered looking at him: what was his plan??

What is he going to do?

But then, as she just teleported there, my sister appeared and stole me away saying: -She will come back in two days!- and then she activated some kind of portal and the second after I found myself back in my room.



-Nooo!!! Take me back there!! Take me baaaack!! I wanna go baaack!!!- I cried and kicked my sister until she let me go, and she made me sit down on my bed, telling me that as the deal with Netero said, she will bring me back before the fourth phase:-But I want to go back now!!- I pouted: I really wanted to know what Killua was going to do.
-I have to tell you how to control the other you. Now.- she said seriously, and then she started to search for something.
-Where did he put that, aah, what a messy father!!- she complained, as I waited confused.
-Here it is!- she said, handing me a Necklace:-What's that?- I asked, putting that on.
-It will help you control the killer issues, it's impregnated with father's and mine nen.- she explained:-With this around your neck, the Yin won't appear, and it can't be took off unless me, dad or that brat do. Even you can't.- I wondered who "That brat" was, probabily she talked about Killua...
-If you're asking, yes, That brat is Killua. And as a reminder: I was against it from the beginning, but dad said that it was necessary...not the necklace, the Killua thing.... aah, let's just skip this.-

Well, that eased my doubt...

My sister then stared at me expectantly, and I wondered what she was waiting for, but then she stood up and took my hand, taking me away again: -Where are we going?- I asked at her who just continued to run, until we were in front of the school:-Kooole!!!- she called. I wandered what Kole had to do with all this, and then he appeared:-I tought you finally learned that my name is not Kole but Pokkle!-


Then I realized: that was why Pokkle wasn't at the exam, becouse he somehow got here!!
But then:-how did you ended up there??- I asked, and my sister started to laugh uncontrollably.
-I... sorta... fell into a portal...-He started stuttering as Lalah laughed more at the embarassed look on Kole, no, Pokkle face:- Long story short, he will stay here as we have a "Innocent but death caracters protection system", if he doesn't become a Hunter now, he won't make the chimera ants know nen before time, and maybe we will save Kaito and Netero too.- I looked surprised at Lalah knowledge, and she smirked proud:-You're not the only Hunter x Hunter fan of the family, you know? But really I'm wondering how can you like that annoying little brat.- she said, as I stared at her dumbfounded and surprised, and even a bit angry about what she told about Killua.
-There are other Hunter x Hunter people here that I don't know of??- I asked: maybe I could have met some other people!

I wonder who else is here....

-Not yet, that's why I'm letting you take the exam, becouse then you can reach the characters before the bad part begins so we can save them.- she and Pokkle explained:-Next ones are Bourbon and Bodoro, you should be able to save him as you are in my place, just be sure to lose against Killua.-
-Welcome to the agency, operative.- my sister said as she lened me a piece of paper with "Agency without a proper name for saving innocent dead characters" and a little heart.


-Well then.... let's go save people?- I guessed the motto, but my sister said no:-You should know I said "in two days", so you are going to stay here until the fourth phase begin, or the temporal line will get an even bigger problem!- she said:- Even if we can control it, we have also to let some things go right as they need, so sice in this part nobody's going to die, you don't have to worry going there.- Lalah told me, but I pouted back:-But then I will never know what Killua wanted to do!!-
-it doesn't matter!!- she said annoyed.
-it mattered to me!- I pouted back.


The days after were spent as Me, Lalah and Pokkle ideated some plans for saving people, and my sister also told me about hers and dad's nen powers.
-I'm an Emitter. My main power is to make portals between dimensions, I can also put my nen in some objects as the greed island card game you bought, and make them teleporting objects!- Lalah explained:-While Dad is a really strong enforcer! He can learn a move at firts sight and re-make that ten times stronger!
He almost won a fight against Silva eight years ago, if just then we didn't needed to flee!- she said happily, but it confused me: -Why dad would go against Silva? Are you talking about Killua's father, right?- I asked, but the answered with a sad look that she couldn't tell me.
-Well, the two days are almost over.... so take care ok sister? I really love you!-she said, then she created a portal and I get back to the Hunter wordl, this time with
A good plan of action:

I'm going to save you people!!

Finally some explanation, right? ^^
Well... I want as usual Thank all the people who likes, follow me, comments and like my story, I want you to know that you make me very very happy everytime, at the point that I starting jumping around and yelling "Thank you!" Out of a window everytime! ^^


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