Wanting X Having

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When I woke up, I felt my cheek being thickled by something pointy but soft, I slowly opened my eyes to meet a silvery white cloud that looked cuddle-able, I wanted to touch that, but a little snore granted me that the soft silver cloud wasn't anything but Killua, and I remembered what we did the day before.


Me and Killua were on a date, and we just got to the amusement park for having fun. He bought both our tickets even if I wanted to, saying that he couldn't let the girl pay on first date, and telling me that I would have repayed him later.

I wondered what did he meant with that, and I hoped for him that if he didn't wanted a big slap for enquiring something not appropriate for two twelve years old kids.
We got on many of the most adveturose and thrilling rides, having a lot of fun as everytime we went to look at the photos, it wasn't me the scaredy-cat but my boyfirend, but even so, he bought two of them and I conjured two necklaces to put our photos in. One for me and one for my boyfriend.


Wow, it's just me who has stil an hard time to say that word? I mean, I know that I confessed, he confessed and we even got the fist date and first kiss, but... I still am not used to say that Killua is my boyfriend.

Gah!! I'm blushing hard right now! Make that stop, make that stop!!

-I can't keep up like this!!- I say out loud, as I cover my flustered face with my hands, but some muffled sounds make all the toughts about Killua don't hearing this disapperar.

-mmh, [Name].... Good moring!- He lifted up his head and he locked eye contact with me, smiling sweetly as some birds outside began to sing cheerfully, Gon began to fish with his uge green hat on and the morining made it's appearence to the wordl.

Wait, we are still at heavens arena, and we have no lake o sea where Gon could be fishing at, and even so, he doesn't have his hat anymore!!

-Gon can't go fishing in this place!!- I said out loud, as the boy in front of me changed into a quizzical look:-[Name]...what the hell did you deamt about?- He asked me, as he tought I was still thinking about some dream I may have had, and I shuttered that it was nothing, and I tried to list myself up, failing passionately as my forehead met Killua's and our heads bumped.

OUCH!! that hurt!


We had to wait for Gon and Zushi to wake up for starting the training before their fights with the three rookie-crushers, but first Wing wanted to test our Hatsu, so we went to his apartment.
Soon we found that Gon hatsu was enchantment and Killua was a transmuter, as I already known mine, and he told us to wait a month before getting into fights, but then he asked me to come out with him becouse he needed to talk to me privately, bus while I was still wondering what was that about, he started.

-[Name], you already have mastered your Hatsu and developed your own mortal technique, so I declare that you have passed the secret test of the Hunter exam.- Wing solemnly stated, smiling at me.
I couldn't describe the pride I felt for my great accomplishment, and how happy I was to finally call myself a true Pro-Hunter,but that wasn't the end of it, no-no.

-Even tough, I think you should improve your skills a bit more, mainly powering up your technique. Since it has a too general application, the single object you create won't have much strenght. - he said, and I began to seriously think about some secret technique. Then a light flash from outside made me blink, and as my eyes adjusted to the sudden source of light, I heard some voices call me:-[Name] [Surname], get out from there with your hands visible!!-

I tried to recall what I could have done to be suspected, but nothing came into my mind.
-[Name]??? What do they want from her??- asked Gon as I came back to the room the others were, but no answer could be given.
-[Name][Surname], Get out!!- repeated the voice, and I started to et nervous and scared. What did I do wrong?
One of the officers entered breaking down the door, and grabbing me and handcuffinig my wrists, he told me what I was being arrested for:
-[Name] [Surname], you are suspected to have close relationships with the famous assassins family of the Zaoldyecks.- my eyes widened as Killua's did, then I could feel bloodlust leaking from him as Gon and Zushi gasped.
I looked pleading at Wing, asking silently to hold back Killua as he was falling to his rage.
-You'll be conducted to the head quarters and we are going to ask you some questions...- the officer said, as he startes pulling me towards the exit, and I asked myself what should I have done now.

-We will rescue you!- I heard Killua and Gon whisper, as I was lead to a police car, and taken away from my best friends.

At Wookie's:
I uploaded my first Kurapika x reader one shots book, and I also did a Gon x Reader cover for one that may follow. I also discovered that many great authors make some book where they talk about themselves and their life, and I'm wondering if I should do one too, what do you think?

BACK TO THE STORY: seems like [Name]-chan is been arrested! What will happen now? She will be sent to jail? Or Gon and Killua will save her? If you have any ideas, comment! I'm curious about what you think will happen!! ~♥


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