Breaking x Repairing

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I opened my eyes slowly, as I adjusted to the faint light coming from outside: it was night. I tried to get up but I felt too tired to do so, like my muscles stayed to much in a position they forgot how to move.
I looked at the surroundings trying to figure out where I was.

The last thing I remember is the string snapping, falling in Killua's arms... then black.

I was in my 200 floor bedroom, and Gon was sleeping on a couch near the door, he still had his arm badaged, but he looked alright. I wondered if I should wake him up or just wait until morning. I tried again to get myself up in a sitting position and as I moved I heard a grunt. Then my name was called by a male voice, moist from the sleepyness. I looked down on the bed and I spotted a little silver messy ball of fluff, that I instantly reconized as Killua.

So it was him...

I smiled softly as he slowly woke up, then he looked at me and stared with a surprised but sad expression.
-[Name].... it's still a dream?- I wondered why this should be a dream and I shook my head as a no.
-As far as I know, it's not.- But then I remembered what I said last time we were toghether :-Wait... you are here?? YOU ARE STILL HERE??- But I broke the promise made with Silva, how...what happened?
-Don't yell!! You will wake Gon!- he orders, then he smiles at me, coming near me and hugging me:-You've been unconscious for a whole month, Me, Lalah, Gon and Naoko were very worried...-
I was confused: Naoko? Worried? And since when Lalah came here?
-It's a really long story... - he says, as I tried to get up when he released me, but I was stopped by Killua as I winched in pain for the loss of strenght.
-Don't be silly, stay down!- he rushes to me and pushing me back to my earlier position, he began to tell me what happened the month I've been out.


-After me and Naoko exited the arena, she confessed me that she was here becouse of Illumi. He sent her here for killing you or make you break your promise, so that I would have been sent home. But Naoko changed idea after her fight with you, but still needed to kill you for Illumi's orders.She also told me that your memory loss was caused by...-
-[Name]!! You are awake finally!!- I heard a feminine voice call as my sister and Naoko entered in the room. My sister shook Gon a bit waking him softly, saying that I was awake.

-[Name]!!- he ran to me and hugged me tightly, as I smiled at him:-You made me so worried!!- I hug him back happy, as I reassured him that I'm ok now and that he should have been more worried about himself.
-Wing said it was my fault that you were like that, becouse I've been selfish and reckless...- he sob, as I wonder what other things Wing said for making him so sad:-That's not true! Don't worry Gon, now I'm ok!-

Then Lalah came near me and started to yell worried:-I brought you here so you could have been training! not almost dieing!- she also told us to try and save Kastro, as his match against Hisoka was nearing.
-If one of you manage to beat him up he won't ask right away for a fight, and I can teleport him out from this dimension.- I asked myself why she couldn't just teleport him away right now, but then I tought about the fight against Kastro, it would have been a good challenge. I could have done it, I watched his fight against Hisoka many times and I knew his technique weaknesses, thanks to the creepy "mage" speeches.

-But before that... [Name], I think I owe you a favor...- Naoko said, as she walked to my side:-I will tell you who I really am...-


-I am really someone you once knew, we were neighbours, we used to play together before you met Killua.- she told me, but then I wondered why her name didn't brough me any memories:-Why I don't recall anything?-
she looked at me similing sadly, as she knew something I didn't.
-It was me who erased your memories about Killua and the Hunter world, becouse.... well, for many motives.
One was that I was jelous that you were so close to him while you seemed to forget me, and the second reason was that I wanted you to be safe and without regrets about leaving this world. But the technique I used had some collateral effects, one was forgetting me completely, the second...-
I though about was she was telling me, did she meant the Yin and Yang division?
-Do you mean... Yin and Yang?- I asked, as she nodded, then she told me that since I lived with the two of them divided all this time, either one of them had one particular ability different from the other.
-The division will reflect also on the Nen abilities... so be careful.-
This didn't fully answered my questions, but was a beginning, so I could be considered a specialist?
-I have a surprise for you, look at your wrist!- I did as she said, and the string was exactly where it was before snapping.
-I found the way to repair it, since I felt guilt and I owed you my life...- she said:-They couldn't detect in time the snapping, so they didn't come... you are safe, even if the rule now applies again.-
So my confession is forgotten? But in that moment I understood exactly the full extent of it and why there weren't any effects:-I erased Killua's memory, so the promise wasn't broken...- she confessed, and I started to fell tired and stressed again: for once that I was able to confess my feelings, he had to forget them!
-It was for either your and his safeness.... I'm sorry, if what you did was so important...- I felt confused? she didn't know about the confession? but she was there! wait, maybe she was still unconscious...
-I erased everyone memory about it, since I knew what the promise was about and the string could have had still the effect...You are the only one who know exactly what happened.-
I stood there in silence, thinking about all the news: what should have I done from now on?
Wookie's entries:

Dear readers of Fear and Braveness, I'm here to say that I'm very thankful to all the readers that still are here to read my story, so as a thank you I decided to make a special picture for them, hope you'll like~

And since you were all angry about the cliffhanger, I updated soon! Yay for me~ Into the next chapther there is the mortal technique creation, so if anyone wants some sspoilers feel free to send me questions! ^^

Finally school is about to end! My English teacher asked me if I can share my book with the class once I end this, but I'm a bit embarassed about this, what would you do?


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