False x True

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-I lo...-
-The second part of the exam begins now, please follow me.- said Satotsu.
-WHY??- me and killua asked, as our little speech of feelings and killing was getting to the deep part.

Satotsu, why you interrupted me???

Then Hisoka came behind me, saying that it was too early for me to confess. And as i looked at him in anger, people started to run.
The second part of the first phase started as the remaining examineers began to run trough the Numere wetlands, I looked with grief at some of the examineers that fell in some evil monster's illusion, not noticing that I was now alone and I didn't follow the right path, losing Satotsu, Killua ad the others.


I screamed mentally, trying to look around for some clues, but there was nobody around me anymore.

-Here you are!! You made me really worry!!- I heard Killua arrive from some branch, and I tough I was safe, until I looked at his eyes, they were not the usual blue of Killua but a very dark shade of green and thanks to that I knew it was just another illusion:-Come with me now!- said the fake Killua, and looking better, they even didn't get right the outfit, but the worst thing was the smell of blood that came from him, like he killed someone not very long ago, but i knew that was not the case.

-Come with me...- he repeated as I hesitated, not sure if go with the flow of the illusion or just said plain that he was a copy(a very bad one at that too).

Then suddenly I heard somebody scream not too far away from where I was: Hisoka was playing!!

I can find the way back!!

I started to run in the direction of the scream and found Leorio and Kurapika in front of the creepy clown:-I distract him! You go!- I mouthed to Kurapika who noticed me, and then he pushed Leorio's arm starting to run in the opposite direction, then Hisoka turned towards me:-oh, [Name]-chan! You joined the game too?- I smiled at the clown:-Just leave me and my friends alone, and we will become way stronger than you think,for your own pleasure.-I replied smiling, even if inside I was scared:-You know it too, don't you?-
-But I still want to play for a while and how you think you can stop me now that you are alone?- Hisoka said, starting to get impatient for the incoming fight, right when I heard some steps:if it was the fake Killua, Hisoka couldn't know the difference right away, and maybe if I play well he'll be surprised and I will get the chance to punch or kick him!
-who said I was alone?-

I replied smirking bravely, waiting for the fake Killua to make his enter, but I guessed wrong.

-I can't let [name] be alone to fight with someone of your kind, I'm sorry [name], but this is what my high sense of duty says.- I heard Leorio say as he came near us.

Even if I didn't like the situation of Leorio in danger, the distraction worked well anyway and as Hisoka focused on Leorio, I took a rock and got ready to hit the clown, still angered for the "explanation" i got before:
-Is too early also for this??- I yelled throwing the stone, but then i wondered if i was using too much force...

I need to impress him, not hurt him deadly, and he is Hisoka, a rock won't surely kill him.

I said to myself, the rock hit hisoka's shoulder as i wondered if the strength to open the first Zaoldyeck household's gate gave me also the strength to make an effect.

It did. The rock hit his left shoulder, cutting the clothes and leaving a red mark on his pale skin, the magician seemed very pleased for this, as he looked at me licking his lips.
-You are also strong as well, not just a cute doll~♥-
I shivered at his words, as I tough if punch him again or run away since I had time, i was angry at him, but if i wanted to confess that, i needed to be alive.
Then Gon and Kurapika arrived, but I noticed that Gon was followed by the Fake Killua.

Gon... don't you dare to think that is the true one...

-Gon!! Is a fake!!- I screamed to the boy, that just winked at me smiling and mouthing an "I know", then he took his fisch can and in a swirl he took the fake Killua by his shirt and trowed him at Hisoka.


After that the copy disappeared like smoke, leaving a strange panda-like creature with a leaf on top of his head, that ran away scared.
I stared dumbfounded at the sudden action, and I came near Gon asking him how did he was able to process that wise plan, he just said: -I saw you did a mark trowing the stone and I wanted to try something too, but all I saw was that copy.-

-how did you know it was not the truth?- asked Kurapika to the boy:-The smell, Killua doesn't have that strong smell of blood...- we added toghether:- He smells like chocolate!-

Then Hisoka with his creepy laugh said that I was right and that we passed, and taking Leorio up on his back he started to walk where the second part of the exam was.

-I hope killua is ok...- said Gon while we were following the path.
-I'm sure he is ok, he is really strong and smart, and then, I've seen nothing that could have hurt him in this phase.-
-What do you mean?-asked me Kurapika.
-Well...- then I explained them my situation and the fictional characters thing:-I know almost everything that's going to happen to some people in a range of two years....-
Then I remembered making the same explanation before, but I just shrugged, maybe it was just me confused about it.

-Can you...- Began to tell kurapika, but then he stopped halfway, as if he tough twice and changed idea about his question, but I could have guessed what was he talking about.
-I know something about your revenge, but are you sure you want to know now?-
I looked at him and his lowered gaze:
-Maybe i can tell you this:
"Your plan won't be an easy task, you will meet formidable enemies as true Friends, my personal advice is: cherish your friends and with them you will overcome the enemies."- i predicted, thinking that even Neon couldn't have hoped to be good like me.
-Thank you, [Name]...-
-Don't worry, Kurapika, we are friends.-

Looks like we arrived.
i instantly spotted Hisoka and Leorio, but the one I wanted to look at was nowhere to be seen.

Oh no, what if he fell in some kind of trap??


The first time I wrote this chapter, i was thinking: " What the hell??"
The last time i revised it: "What the nen??"
I'm really one crazy writer...

Ps: who wants to play with Hisoka? :3
Thank you for the likes, comments and reads i reached the so much wanted 1 K!!!
thank you!!!!
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