Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10.
Mfundo POV.
“I cannot believe this Mfundo. I cannot believe this is what you have come to?” That was my grandma pacing up and down my room, everyday she walks in my room and dishes out how disappointed she is and I just stood there and listened to her. I was back in South Africa, it’s been a whole 7 days since I came back. I had to be sneaked back to my country like I was a criminal since I was running away from paparazzi back in the states which made sure were everywhere. I could not believe my reality at this point. Pictures of me naked were all over the internet probably the whole world had seen them. Pictures of me having sex has been the topic for a whole full week. Nothing seemed to surpass our leaked pictures. The internet just kept on dwelling on it.

“Grandma I don’t know what happened. I’m sorry.” I cried as I thought of the embarrassment I have brought to my family, to my name. I don’t even know how I was going to face the world. “You’re sorry!? You are all over the internet having sex with that rapper of yours!” She yelled making my eardrums hurt. I had no answer. All I could do was cry.

“I’m sorry.” I cried so hard. I was embarrassed like her. I couldn’t even face the world. I just wanted the world to swallow me. I literally wanted to die and leave all this shame behind and if it wasn’t for Drew who kept showing his support to me. I think I would have killed myself by now.

“Your sorry is not going to fix this!” She yelled like I didn’t know that and right at that moment Uncle George walked in my room as well as if this day could get any worse.

“Your father is on the phone.” I heard my heart skip a beat. I haven’t spoken to my dad in years and I knew he was about to go off on me. He was about to tell me how much of a disappointment I was.

“Ayi bandla izinto enizenzayo Mfundo.” His words just made the tears gush out as I took the phone from him. I placed the phone on my ear waiting for whatever my father had to say.

“Ndodakazi.” His voice came on and I swear I felt my heart skip a beat as I waited for his wrath. I was tarnishing his name over and over again. I’m sure he was sick of me. “Baba.” I tried to have my voice sound normal but that was just impossible with all the crying I’ve been doing.

“What is happening? Why is my daughter on the front page of every publication and not in a good light. Why are you naked in these publications?” I could taste the hostility in his voice which made my tears fall some more. I was such a disappointment to my family.

“Baba I don’t know how it happened. It was mistake baba.” I cried. I swear to the most high, I don’t know how they got those pictures.

“Sleeping with a married man. Is that how you were raised Mfundo!” He was upset and I think he had every right to be.
“How old are you huh? Usuyalala umncane kanje!?” His words were nothing but venom and I couldn’t take them anymore.

“I’m sorry!” I cried so hard. “Ayi mani ukhalelani this is all your doing. Uhamba ulala noskhotheni that do that. Huh so why are you crying?” He spat and I swear I felt my head become light. It must be because I haven’t eaten anything for the whole 7 days since those pictures were published.

“Lalela you better fix this mess and fast.” After that he hung up and I gave my uncle his phone back as I felt my eyes become blurry.

“Waze wangiphoxa ngane ka bhuti.” Uncle George said and I looked up to see him shaking his head and I don’t know whether it was the disappointment in his eyes that made my head spin. I suddenly couldn’t see anything.

“Mfundo, what’s wrong.” I heard my grandma ask rushing to me but I couldn’t answer her instead my body dropped on the floor and just like that I passed out.

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