Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said pecking my grandma's cheek but she just gave me this weird look like she could tell I was lying about spending the night at Karen's and I don't think she would have let me go if Karen's mum hadn't called her assuring her that I really was spending the night at her house. "Behave." she said with squinted eyes and I could tell she was being serious. "Always grandma." I laughed nervously and quickly made my way out of the house. I went to my car and placed my overnight bag in the passenger seat before I got in the car and drove off. I called Drew whilst driving  and he picked up on the second ring. "Sweetheart." He answered making his voice ring through my car and I couldn't help this huge smile that  got plastered on my face. "Hey babe. Just wanted to tell you I'm driving to Karen's so you going to have to pick me up from there." I was still smiling so hard but he sighed as if something was bothering him. "I hate all this sneaking around we're doing. I mean we not breaking any laws by being together." his tone was flat now, I could tell that he really was frustrated by all this hiding we're doing but I didn't have any other choice, This was the only way him and I could keep seeing each other otherwise my family were going to make sure we stayed apart by force.  "I know Andrew but you know why we're doing this." I said biting my bottom lip nervously. I needed him to bear with me for just a little while until I find a way for my family to accept him as my partner. "Yeah I do babe. I don't mean to pressure you to telling your family that we still kicking it but what I do know is that we're bound to show up in the internet at the rate we're going." He chuckled lightning up the mood which made me giggle as well. He was damn right about that. We just couldn't keep our hands off each other in public. I mean I'm surprised that no blog has posted a picture of us eating each other's face off and feeling up on each other." Well sir you need to keep your hands off me then in public." I said my lips forming into this naughty smile as I felt my heart skip a beat when I thought of his hands roaming my body. "Than stop looking so damn inviting woman." He spoke with this hearty tone and I could tell he was smiling which made me laugh lightly at him. "I guess I'm going to have to look drab whenever I'm around you." I said smiling so damn hard, Okay this guy was literally making me fall fast. "As if that would help. You intoxicate me Mfundo. Your presence alone intoxicates me. I just can't help myself." His mission was to make me blush till I  turn pink like I'm some cartoon or something. "Uhm I need to go or I'm going to cause an accident." I was being honest this moment, my heart was beating so hard like he was here touching me when he was just on the phone. I needed to tell my heart to chill because it was doing too much. "Okay babe. Can't wait to see you." He said and even I anticipated seeing him, I couldn't wait to be in his arms. "Me too babe. I'll call you when I get to Karen's." I said and he kissed me through the phone before he hung up. The whole drive to Karen was spent with me begging my heart to calm down. It was becoming too fond of Drew and fast.

When I got to Karen, we went up to her room and just chilled while I texted Drew the location. "Mfundo I think you should tell Drew about Jay tonight. I know you think Priya is over her crush but I don't think so. I went to her house to get a maths textbook she had borrowed and her room is still filled with Drew's pictures. She told me she had forgotten to take the posters down." Karen looked worried but I shook my head. Priya wouldn't do something to me and Drew,I mean she even regrets how she allowed her obsession to consume her to a point where she hurt me. She wouldn't do it again. I mean she wouldn't hurt our friendship again or would she? "Mfundo are you even hearing me?" Karen snapped her fingers in my face. "Uhm yeah." I blinked a few times just taking in what she just told me. "Maybe she really forgot to take them down." I spoke looking at my phone. I really wanted to believe that it was just an honest mistake and that she wasn't keeping his pictures all over her room because she still had hope that they would get together someday. "I know you and Priya are close but who forgets to take down pictures of her best friend's boyfriend who she was obsessing over?" Karen really seemed to be disturbed by Priya's actions. "Well things have been kind of hectic with me in hospital and everything else." I carried on defending Priya even though something deep in me was begging me to listen to Karen but I wanted to believe only the best about Priya, she said she was okay with the Drew and me situation so I don't believe she would jeopardize our friendship like that again. "Fine but I would be careful if I were you." She warned getting up from her bed and she walked over to her closet leaving me deep in my thoughts. What if Priya was faking being over Drew? Should I tell Drew the truth about what happened at the club? Should I tell my grandmother about what's been going on? But that would just make my family lose their heads. "Anyways look what I got for you!" Karen walked out of her closet with a box looking really excited snapping me out of my worrisome thoughts. She walked over to me and gave me this fancy box she had. "Open it." she really was excited which made me wonder what is it she went and bought me. I opened up the box and found this really sexy lingerie. I took it out and I inspected it. "Great, lingerie." I said giving her this really weird look. "What, you're bound to give up the cookie to the guy and it's not like you will be giving it to the wrong person. The guy basically loves you but you know Americans and being afraid of labels." she rolled her eyes which made me laugh at her crazy ass. "You're crazy and I wonder how I'm friends with you." I still laughed at her but she rolled her eyes once again. "But thanks friend even though I don't think I'm going to need it soon. Drew and I barely know each other." I was being honest though,yes he did give me this feeling that I didn't understand but that didn't mean I was going to have sex with him. "Girl please you should see pictures I get sent on my blog of you and the guy in compromising positions. Some had me thinking you were giving it up already but than I knew you wouldn't give it up and not tell us." She was being extra with her face expressions. "Yeah you're right." I laughed at her again. "Now let get you ready for your night with daddy. You know what they say." She said with a smirk on her face and I waited for her to tell me what is it they say. "Skinny nigga big Dick." she sang making me hit her with a pillow but her ass was just being annoying,she was even pretending to blow a dick. "You are one nasty bitch." I said but she laughed. "Says a girl who is busy being dry humped in public places." she said rolling her eyes and the embarrassment hit me hard. We really need to control our hormones in public.
Karen helped me get ready for my night with Drew and I won't lie I felt like I was a little overdressed. It's not like he said he was taking me on a date, we're probably going to his hotel to chill like we did last night. "I think I'm overdressed Karen." I said smoothing my dress but she waved me off. "Nonsense, you look amazing." She admired me with this huge smile and I took this huge breath facing this huge mirror in her room.

"You look beautiful." She carried on admiring me. "Drew better not hurt you or I swear." she balled her fist up and I laughed at her silly ass. My phone rang while I was still laughing at Karen's crazy ass, I walked over to the bed and I saw it was Drew. "Hey babe." I answered. "I'm right outside." He spoke up and my heart began beating like it was being chased by something. "Okay I'm on my way." I said before I hung up. "He is here. Oh and my car keys are here. You can drive it and come and pick me up tomorrow please." I said to Karen and she nodded. She took my overnight bag and accompanied me out of her house to where Drew was parked. He got out of the car and met us halfway. He pecked my lips when he got to me and took the bag from Karen." Thanks for doing this for us." Drew smiled at Karen and Karen returned it. "It's my pleasure friend in law." Karen said with a laugh and Drew joined her while shaking his head at her crazy ass. We said our goodbyes and we made our way to wherever he was taking us. "You look amazing baby." Drew gripped my thigh sending my insides on an overdrive. I had to take this deep breath. "I'm not overdressed?" I asked and he shook his head no. "Nah baby. You look amazing for the occasion." He said quietly and I wondered what occasion was he talking about.

We drove for about an hour and I got worried when I saw this place we were in was surrounded by trees. I hope he ain't out here trying to kill me. "You're not a serial killer right?" that may have sounded like a joke but no I wasn't joking at all. What the hell were we doing in the woods? "Nah even if I was one I wouldn't kill you." He said with a light laugh but that just made me uneasy but than again I trusted Drew. He wouldn't hurt me.

We pulled up in front of this house here that like really secluded. It was surrounded by trees. He got out of the car and walked around my side and helped the confused me out of the car. "Don't tell me you scared?" he gave me an amused look but I shook my head. "Scared?" I did a nervous giggle. "Nah, never." I lied through my teeth.I was shit ass scared. "Come on." he took my hand and lead me inside the house. "Welcome home baby." He whispered in my ear before biting on it sensually making me jump. "Home?" I asked turning my head to him and he nodded. "I bought us a home baby. Our secret home where we won't have to duck and dive anybody." he said kissing the corner of my lips before he lead me to the dining room area where a dinner for two romantic set up was happening there was even a guy playing some violin. "I told you you looked great for the occasion." he smiled pecking my cheek making me smile as well. "This is beautiful." I admired the set. He lead me to the table and opened up my seat. "Thanks." I took a seat and he helped me adjust to my seat before he walked over to his. "What is all this for?" I asked the moment he sat down and looked at me. "I just wanted to make you happy. I like seeing you smile." He said and took my hand and placed a kiss on it. "Thank you." I said, my heart was filled with so much love at the moment. "Mfundo I know you may think this is too soon but I can't stop thinking about you. I can't seem to think straight if you're not near me. I am falling in love with you Mfundo Jones and hard." he said catching me off guard making me choke on my saliva. "Are you okay?" he asked after rushing to me and I nodded looking down on him since he was bent before me. "Uhm I just wasn't expecting that." I said honestly. "Uhm than if that has you choking on your own saliva, imagine what my next words gon have doing?" He scratched the back of his head like a little kid. "Uhm what do you mean?" I was confused now. "Do you love me?" He asked and I blinked a couple of times before I nodded. I mean I think I did. I do love him. "Cause I know I do Mfundo and truth is I see you in my future, I know this may be too soon but I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He said with this nervous smile but I couldn't say anything as I wrapped my head around what he just said. A part of me felt like we were rushing this whole love thing but than my heart jumped at his words. Almost like it had been waiting for those to leave his mouth. He went into his pocket and came out with this small velvet box. "Marry me Mfundo Jones." He said opening the box revealing this beautiful diamond that sparkled so beautifully. I looked at the ring and than him. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. "Please." his face had this hopeful smile as I said there contemplating on my next words.
Unedited 🌸

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