Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

I woke up in this cold room which made me shiver. Was I dead and in a morgue already, I thought dead bodies weren't suppose to feel anything. My eyes felt heavy but I did my utmost best to open them and they didn't fight me at all as they allowed my mind to register as to where I could be and that's when I saw I was in one of the hospital rooms, my eyes fell on my grandmother who was sleeping on this comfortable chair in here.
"Grandma." I managed to croak out and that's when she stirred. "Grandma." I managed to raise my voice a little higher and that's when she jumped and when her eyes fell on mine she just ran to my side and just engulfed me into this tight hug as she cried. "Mntana womntwana wami." She cried as she continued to hug me even tighter like she wouldn't ever let me go. "I am so happy you are awake." she finally pulled away from the hug now claiming my face as she caressed me examining everything about me probably to check if I was okay. "Gogo I promise I really am fine." I managed to give her a half smile. "Mfundo do you realise that I almost had a heart attack because of this. How many times have I told you to never go to clubs. Oh nkosi yam." She was pacing up and down now before she stopped looking at me and took this huge breath. "I'm sorry gogo. I don't know what I was thinking." I said politely and she took this huge breath before she came and sat on my bed now touching my hair before placing a long kiss on my forehead. "You scared me Mfundo. I thought I was also losing you as well." I could feel the concern in her voice. I knew my grandmother loved me, she did all she could to remind me everyday that I meant the world to her. "I'm sorry grandma." I apologized truthfully and that's when she gave me a smile and pulled me into her chest and I just laid there as I listened to her heartbeat allowing it to soothe my headache that I had since waking up from this bed. "What really happened baby?" she asked as she played with my hair and that's when memories of what led me here came rushing into my mind and I saw the regret in her face. She didn't mean to do it. We are best friends for heaven's sake, she would never hurt me intentionally. I'm the reason she even acted like that. "Mfundo." Grandma snapped me out of my thoughts and that's when I swallowed a lump as I prepared to lie for my friend. "Some guys just walked up to me claiming I thought I was better than everybody since I was born rich and all and next thing they stabbed me. It's all happened so fast grandma." I lied through my teeth as I covered for my best friend who almost killed me. My grandmother kept quiet before she pushed me lightly from her so we could be eye to eye. "But I thought everybody in that party was a friend of yours or maybe an acquaintance of yours." it seemed like she didn't a word that just left my mouth and I wished she would just drop this which I knew wasn't going to happen since I am this important person in this country of mine. "They must have sneaked in grandma, I'm really not sure how they got in." I lied once as I laid my head back on her chest. "I'm so happy I'm back in your arms grandma, I really thought I was going to die." I sniffed back tears that threatened to fall when those emotions I had came flashing back to me. I never ever want to feel like that ever again. "I'm here baby, I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again." She kept rocking me as she comforted me and I felt safe here with her. I made a mental note to end things with Drew the moment I laid my eyes on him. I don't think he is worth me losing my life over him. I'll just tell him to continue whatever he was doing with Priya that even landed me in this situation.

Later on Drew and his crew joined by my friends were all here to see me and they were up here making a noise, I don't know how many times the nurse came by to reprimand them or else they were going to throw them out. Everybody seemed to be happy that I survived but Drew wore this look like he blamed himself for what happened to him and I think he should because this was all his fault. He should have never lead Priya on or maybe he was leading me on all this time. My eyes kept  darting to him even though I tried my civil best to not look at him but my heart and mind disagreed with me on that. I just couldn't keep my eyes off even though I was like really angry at him for endangering my life like that. "Aye yall I think we should the new love birds some time, they've been eyeing each other ever since we got in this bitch, who knows maybe they just want to have some hospital sex." Trell spoke in this high pitched voice and I saw Karen roll her eyes at him. " That's soo like you Trell." She said as she stood from the side of my bed where she was sitting. "I seen the way you look at me also. Ready whenever you ready  baby." Trell said in this baritone voice trying to sound sexy as he licked his lips. "Shut up." Karen scoffed as she walkedto the door. "Mfundo, you sure you gon be okay?" Jay asked and I nodded, I could see the worry in his eyes and I also saw the hurt when I nodded. "Aight. We'll come back to see you later Mami." he walked over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek and I saw Drew flare his nose like he didn't appreciate that one bit but I didn't care I was but to dump him anyways and who knows maybe this is fate's way of showing me that Jay may after all be the love of my life and that I must get over this infatuation I have of Drew. After everybody left Drew walked over to me and sat next to me. He took my hands into his and I felt my whole skin grow warm at just his touch which made me a swallow a lump. "I'm sorry baby." He spoke in this barely audible voice before he took my hand and placed it on his lips allowing me to feel the softness of his lips on my hand and that's when I released this breath that I think I've been holding ever since he sat so close to me. "Drew I uh." I tried to find the words to end this in a peaceful way. "Please forgive me Mfundo." his voice cracked like he wanted to cry and that's when his eyes fell on mine and the sadness I saw in them begged me to pull him into a tight hug and just tell him that this wasn't his fault. "Drew please don't do this." I begged, my voice was so slow that I doubted that he even heard. "I'm sorry Drew but this has to end today." I managed to rush those words and he froze for a moment before he gave me this confused look. "Mfundo I know I may have planned your party with your friends but I wasn't the one who had you stabbed so why are you leaving me?" He was shocked that I wanted to break up with him. "I'm not changing my mind Drew." I said and that's when he released my hand and warmth left instantly. "What did I do Mfundo? What did I do?" it was like he was stopping himself from screaming at me. "Priya, you lead Priya on. She sent you her nudes, you even kissed her Drew. How did you think that was going to make feel!?" I'm the one who raised my voice this time but he gave me this unbelievable look before he chuckled darkly. "Did she tell you that shit? And what you believed, easy like that?" his tone was calm but you could sense the anger behind his calmness. "She's my best friend." I muttered and that's when he gave me this you've gotta be kidding me laugh. "She's a psycho." he shook his head no and I watched him as he stood there as if he was trying to calm himself down before he released another word from his mouth. "Look Drew, it's not not like you and I were even that serious." my heart shattered at my choice of words. "I know you don't mean that." this time he balled his eyes at me and shook his head once more. "Listen, you can break up with me but we are not breaking up over that obsessed friend of yours. Leave me when I really disappoint you. I won't even beg you or anything, I'll just let you go." he said now walking over to me and this time he bent down to me and placed his forehead on mine and his hand caressed my skin. I just froze as my eyes got in his beautiful brown eyes. There was so many things his eyes were revealing to me but I couldn't really tell which one was true. "You have to trust me, I want you and only you." his lips brushed on mine sending jolts of electricity throughout my body which made me jump and he chuckled as he captured my lips into his, his lips were moving slowly on my lips and he pulled away and looked at me and gave me a small smile. "What?" I was blushing mess myself but he shook his head once before he kissed and this time I felt the impact of his kiss as I felt like the room was spinning not to mention how my lungs just forgot how to breathe.  The kiss went on for a few seconds as I wrapped my arms around his neck got lost in his lips. He bit on my bottom lip and we both giggled as our foreheads stayed together. "Damn." He was cheesing so hard which just made me blush even more. "If I had known you were hiding in Africa all this while I would done my tour long ago." He joked and I giggled at that before I pecked his lips twice. "And leave all those gorgeous women in the States." I joked back but he just kissed so deep once again and this guy has got to be the best kisser of all time.

"Mfundo." a voice made us pull away from each other and there stood the culprit herself. "Priya." Drew stood up straight and folded his arms. "I'm sorry Mfundo." she started crying and that's when Drew gave me this strange look. "Uhm Drew can I talk to her real quick?" I asked but he still gave both of us confused looks and I practically begged him with my eyes and he gave Priya who was a shaking mess from all the crying she was doing a mean ass glare like he just figured something out. He bent to me and placed his lips on mine. "I'll be out here if you do not feel safe." he whispered and pecked my lips one last time and made his way out of the room. "Mfundo I'm sorry. I swear I was not in the right state of mind. Please." she cried as she walked over to me but I flinched which made her stop in her tracks. "Mfundo please." she cried even going on her knees. "I'm sorry please. I promise you it will never happen again." I just looked at her. I had no clue what to feel or say to her at this moment.

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