Tears in The Ocean

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"Mfundo wait." That was my grandmother who made me halt quickly. I already knew what she wanted to say. "Gogo I'm late." I said looking at my watch. I really was late, I had like 20 minutes to get to school and the traffic in the mornings is a nightmare.

"What is this I hear about you not wanting your bodyguards to come with you?"

"Because it is weird gogo, I don't like having two grown men following me around everywhere, I can't even concentrate at school because they're always standing there as statues." I spoke hoping to end this conversation cause if it dragged on I was going to be more late than I already am.

"They just trying to keep you safe baby." she took my hand into hers, she knew how her touch could make me agree to anything she wanted but not today. "And I appreciate that gogo, I do but I don't think I need to be kept safe. I'm not really important, I'm just a daughter of some billionaire who doesn't even want anything to do with us so what exactly am I being kept safe from?" a frown grazed her face but I wasn't lying, I last saw my dad when I had just lost my mother, I was only 8 when my mother died and I'm about to turn 18 now and my dad has never reached out to me to this day." Mfundo, your father loves you and he has proven that by leaving everything to you and your sister." her voice was emotional. "I don't care about all of that Grandma, he can keep his mines, his oil businesses, everything, all I've ever wanted was him, I needed him gogo."  my voice became hoarse. Talking about my dad always had me emotional. 

"Mfundo I'm ready to go." That was my younger sister Thandiwe who was always late that interrupted us and right at this moment I mentally thanked her for showing up cause God knows I needed some saving from my grandmother because this conversation was now about to drag long with gogo trying to convince me how much my dad loves me. "Gogo, we'll talk when I come back, I love you." I placed a kiss on her before I turned my attention to Thandi. "T I'm riding with Amanda today, but you are welcome to ride with us." I suggested to her but she scrunched up her face. "Oh hell No. I'm riding with Randy than." I expected that. My sister likes being in the spotlight, she enjoyed the fancy life, the flashy cars. We were different there, I liked being low key but her she just loved the spotlight. "Randy where you at!" she started screaming before she disappeared to look for Randy. I giggled at Thandi's dramatic ass before I made my out of this huge mansion. I found Amanda who happens to be one of my best friends waiting for me in her car. I got in the passenger seat and closed the door after me. "Sup." I greeted her while strapping my seat belt. "Sup to you?" she raised an eyebrow like she wanted me to explain something to her. "What?" I asked because I clearly was missing something. "Tell me again why you ain't riding in one of your expensive cars?" she asked as she drove off. "Because I didn't feel like it." my tone was really dry and I hoped she would catch on that I didn't want to talk about it.  "Let me take a wild guess, you in your feelings about being rich again?" she gave me a quick look before her eyes returned back to the road. "I don't get it Mfundo, a lot of people would kill to have your life. You always complaining about being rich like it's a curse or something." I found myself flaring my nose at her little statement.

Amanda was a very good friend of mine but she was like Thandi in a way, enjoyed being the center of attention, loved flashing money at everything and thought money was everything. Amanda was basically a snob and that made us clash a lot but I still did love her.

"A lot of people would kill to born in your family, hell even I would kill to be born in your family."  she stated but I just gave her a tired look. "Just drive." I said before I took out my phone from my pocket to see I had a text from my real best friend who I had a lot in common with unlike Amanda here.

Priyanka🖤: I got thee most exciting        news EVER. I've been waiting for you for damn near an hour. WHY ARE YOU LATE?

I let out a small giggle reading this text.

Me: I'm on my way, I kind of overslept 😴

10 minutes later we pulled up at our school, Crawford high and the moment Priya saw us, she rushed to my door and opened it up, she almost dragged me out with my hair.

"Damn whatever it is you want to tell must be really exciting." I said looking at the happiness written on her face.

"Yeah it is. You remember this rapper, Drew?" she asked with so much enthusiasm which I couldn't return cause I knew nothing about rappers.

"Oh Cmon M, Drew the cutest rapper like ever." She said like that suppose to make me remember this Drew guy she is talking about but I was still clueless.

"You mean Drew, the nigga with them fine ass eyes." Amanda butted in saving me. "Yeah but don't say it like that and you're white you are not supposed to use the N word." there was hint of jealousy in Priya's voice and that's when I remembered this guy she was talking about. "You mean Shaun?" I asked, There was this rapper she always called Shaun, she referred to him as the love of her life. It's safe to she was obsessed with the guy. Her room was filled with this guy's picture and everything of hers had this guy, the wallpaper on her phone, her passwords were his name like it was not right how she had convinced herself that this guy was the love of her life.

"Yeah but I'm the only one allowed to call him that." see what I mean. "Alright fine, so what did this Drew guy do?" I asked as I got out of the car with my backpack and she moved from the door making space for me to close the door. "You remember this foundation you started to help disadvantage girls?"  I just gave her the duh look, I mean hello I started it so of course I remember it. "Well he mentioned it on his Twitter account and you know that he is here for his Bright Light tour so he also mentioned that he'll be here for the gala event that you're hosting." She spoke with so much excitement and I also got excited. Not because of the Drew rapper guy but because my work was being recognized even though I wasn't doing this to be worshipped but I did need famous people to donate their to this organization of mine so for Priya's future husband who I'm sure has a lot of followers to mention my work was really good for me.

"So are you gon do it?" Priya snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh." I gave her a confused look, I zoned out on her for a moment. "Are you going to introduce me to him?" you know he will want to meet you and I was even thinking you could say we started this foundation together just to score me some points." I giggled at that. "I will definitely introduce you to him but I won't lie about us starting this together but I'll tell him you inspired it or something but I'm sure he will love you, there is nothing not to love about you Priya." I said honesty and she gave me a genuine smile. Priya really was a beautiful Indian girl, she had a beautiful flawless skin, an amazing smile that could melt just any guy and an amazing body, she was the full package Drew would be a fool to not like her.

"Okay, I can live with that." she smiled, showing off her dimples. I took her hand and we made our way to class.


School was pretty much boring and the girls kept screaming about this Drew guy, All of them kept enquiring about where to get the tickets for this gala dinner I'm hosting this coming Saturday. It looks like its going to be packed now that slightly stresses me out. I didn't want groupies at this event, I just want sponsors.

After school Amanda dropped me off at home and I dreaded going inside knowing my grandmother was going to be waiting for me so we could finish the conversation we had earlier on. I walked slowly inside the house, I was trying my hardest to not alert anyone about my presence that plan flew out the window when Thandi came out of nowhere and jumped in my arms almost knocking me down. "What the fudge Thandiwe!" I pushed her off me. "I've got only good news for ya, which one do you want to hear first." she asked rubbing her hands together like birdman. "You just said you only have good news." I said in my duh tone. "Well, Grandma who I'm sure you were dreading to see went down to Cape Town for a few days, said something about a problem with the trucks and George went with her now we have the house to ourselves for 3 days." she did this happy dance and damn I could do a happy dance for that also.

"Now Thee greatest news are waiting for you in the lounge, the main lounge." she said giving me a hint to go and check it out and I gave her this unsure look but she still indicated that I should go on so I decided to  do so and when I got to the lounge, my eyes met somebody I had never thought I'll see again.

"Jay. Uhm hi." I said after staring at him for what felt like forever. "Hey baby." he said before he engulfed me into this bear hug.


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