Black Butler Afterstory

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Ciel POV

5 years later

When Onodera and Takano left, me and Sebby both agreed to hold off turning me into a demon until our personal issues were sorted out.

The first thing we had to do is come out. We threw a party with all of our closest friends, and announced it.

Great immediately came at me with his chainsaw screaming, "BASSYS MINE!"

Sebastian, of course, stopped him. I do not think that Grell still didn't fully forgive me, but now him and William are dating so we haven't seen him in a while.

Lizzy was sobbing when she found out. We had a 5 hour conversation talking things out. It included a lot of crying, yelling, and apologizing. After 5 hours, she finally agreed to break off our engagement, and she said she wishes us luck.

I still keep in touch with Onodera. Sebastian talks to both Onodera and Takano. We have never told them about the contract or anything, but we told them everything else. We also lied about some parts, to cover up our secret. We strategized our lies carefully in such a way that if they come surprisingly, they will not find out. I already have blue contacts that match my old eye color (yes, imma demon)

We are all planning on hanging out soon.

After we came out out of the closet, and everybody seemed to accept us, Sebastian turned me into a demon.

I still remember the pain to this day, but I also remember the relieved look of Sebastian's eyes when I woke up. I remember that he then kissed me, and hugged me. He didn't let go of me for the next hour. That must have caused him a lot of heart ache because there was a chance that I was going to never wake me up.

I have now eaten 20 souls. I still remember my first soul. Souls taste like the greatest meal you have always had. It was that good.

Me and Sebastian are now married. I still work under the queen orders like normal. I just wear my contacts.

To this day, I have never put on my own pants. I have no need to. Sebastian puts them on for me.

Sebastian taught me how to fight because he says that he doesn't want to save my ass for forever. Which mostly consisted of me failing miserably, and lots of kissing. Eventually, Sebastian have up. Well, he said we were going to try again, but it won't happen.

We both agreed that it would be a little too much to adopt a child.

Oh, and apparently when I became I demon, my cat allergies cleared up so now we have at least 100 cats in the house. I actually also took a liking to them. Not nearly as much as Sebastian likes cats though. That is near to impossible.

Sebastian was absolutely thrilled when he found out that I like cats. I actually didn't tell him, but he caught me petting one of his cats that was from the closet. He showed his gratitude by bringing in 20 more cats.

Not even exaggerating. He literally came home one day from 'errands' and handed me a basket me a basket filled with cats, saying "congratulations on your new liking of cats!"

Honestly, I think he was just more thrilled to add to his obsession and to not hide all of his cats from me. Such a strange demon.

I love him more everyday. I am so excited to stay by his side. Forever.

All that has happened is the beginning of forever for us.

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