Truth or Dare Pt. 2

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Warning! This chapter gets a little wierd (a little sexual)
Onodera POV

"Ok, it is Sebastian's turn now." I said, once everyone calms down.

"Ok. Young master, truth or dare?" Asked Sebastian.

"Dare." Said Ciel. Just then, Takano stood up, and walked over to Sebastian. Takano whispered in Sebastian's ear. Sebastian's eyes were disgusted at first, but then they lit up. Both of them looked at me.

"Shit." Ciel and I said.

"Ok, for your dare~" Began Sebastian, but then Takano interrupted.

"We dare Ciel and Onodera to kiss!!" He said, way too enthusiastically. Then Sebastian hit Takano.

"It's MY FUCKING DARE!!" Screamed Sebastian. Takano stood up, and pushed Sebastian back.

"I CAME UP WITH IT!!" Screamed Takano back.

"Soo... the dare?!" Sebastian said, referring to us. Ciel and I exhaled loudly. I then walked up to him to get it over with. I grabbed the back of his neck, and kissed him. He and I were blushing madly. The semes started laughing. Takano was laughing a lot harder.

"Oh, my Sebastian~ it seems I need tissues to clean up my nosebleed~" Said Takano. Sebastian was still laughing, and put his hand on Takanos shoulder.

"WAY ahead of you." Said Sebastian.

"Cleanup on aisle 7!" Said Takano. They looked like two drunk men.

"Takano. Truth or dare?" Asked Ciel.

"Dare." Said Takano.

"I dare you and Sebastian to kiss." Said Ciel. I gave Ciel a high five.

"Ok." Said Takano. Sebastian and Takano kissed each other, and started to make out with each other. They wrapped their arms around each other, too. I had to physically hold my nose.

"Great. Now I am getting a nosebleed." I said. Ciel was doing the same.

"Me too." He said.

"Onodera, truth or dare?" Asked Takano.

"Dare since everyone's doing it." I said.

"I dare you to.... oh wait, I forgot something." Said Takano. He then ran upstairs to get whatever he needs to get.

"I dare you to wear these for the rest of the game, Onodera." Takano said, coming down. He had up cat ears. Sebastian saw them, widened his eyes, and then tackled Takano, while he was on the stairs.

"NO!!! Ciel must wear them!!" Screamed Sebastian. He reached for the cat ears in Takanos hand. Takano wouldn't let Sebastian have them.

"It's my dare!!" Shot back Takano. Both me and Ciel rolled out eyes.

"Yeahh... Sebastian kinda has a cat fetish." Said Ciel.

"So does Takano." I replied.

"Yes, I have one cat." Said Takano. While Takano was distracted, Sebastian grabbed the cat ears.

"I have 10!!!" Said Sebastian, all too proudly.

"What?!? I thought I got rid of those in your closet?!" Said Ciel.

"I got new ones." Replied Sebastian. Ciel facepalmed. Takano then grabbed the cat ears back, and ran to me quickly to put the cat ears on before Sebastian even noticed. Takano smiled widely.

Once he did notice, he grabbed the ears from my head, and put them on Ciel. Sebastian blushed, which made Ciel blush. Takano gave up. He put up his hands in defense.

"Fine! You win!" Said Takano. He then walked up to me.

"Then, I dare you to call me by my first name." Said Takano. I blushed at his request.

"F-fine, M-Masamune." I said. Takano then started making out with me passionately. I just let it happen. We let go of each other 5 minutes later, coughing.

"Ciel. Truth or dare?" I asked.

"Dare." He replied. Then Sebastian walked up to me to whisper a dare in my ear.

He said: "I dare you to tell Ciel to put try to put on his pants. I'll remove them for you. He literally has me put them on everyday." I blushed at his request. But then I nodded. Sebastian went up to Ciel, and simply panted Ciel. Then, he took the pants from underneath him, and threw them at me. I was blushing the whole time.

"Ciel, I dare you to put on your pants." I said, throwing the pants back at Ciel. He caught them looking flustered.

"S-Sebastian!!" He said, his face bright red. It took him a half an hour to put them on. Sebastian was dying laughing the whole time. Takano was smiling hugely the whole time.

"Sebastian, truth or dare?" Said Ciel, still bright red.

"Hmmm, truth." Said Sebastian. Ciel looked satisfied with that answer.

"Do you like me or cats better?" Said Ciel, smiling hugely.

"Dare." Sebastian said, regretting his decision.

"Nope. You cannot go back on your answer." Said Ciel, crossing his arms.

"I love both of you." Said Sebastian, hoping for a compromise.

"Nope. Choose one." Said Ciel, stubbornly.

"I pick.... you, Bocchan." Said Sebastian. Ciel blushed, and then gave Sebastian the biggest of hugs. Sebastian eagerly accepted the hug.

"Ok, your turn, Sebastian." I said.

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