Reflecting on yesterday

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Onodera POV

I woke up with Takano on top of me. Again. I pushed him off of me. He moaned when he felt himself being moved. We now laid together.

It was then that the memories from yesterday came flooding in, and I was left with a blushing self.

Then, Takano woke up, and looked at me lazily. I quickly faced the other way so he can't see my blushing face. He lazily wrapped his arms around me. That just made my blush intensify.

"Morning, Ritsu." He said, still half asleep.

"M-morning." I said, still not completely composed. Takano must've noticed because he pushed my shoulder down onto the bed, revealing my blushing face.

He looked confused at first, but then the memories must've reached him because he started laughing. I hid my face with a pillow.

"P-pervert." I managed to choke out.

Just then, I heard a door opening. Sebastian must have come in. I removed my pillow because my blush calmed down. But then I remembered what I did to Sebastian, and I hid my face again.

"Breakfast is ready." He said. I thought I heard a hint of laughter.

~Time Skip brought to you by the lovely memory of the foursome~

When me and Takano went downstairs, I saw Ciel look at us quickly, but then looked back down at his scone. He was pushing it around. He must not have much appetite after yesterday. I do not blame him. Neither do I.

Once the four of us were settled, with our food in front of us, there was awkward silence between the four of us until Sebastian broke it up.

"SOOO... yesterday was interesting, huh?" He said, awkwardly. That made me and Ciel break out in a blush. Takano leaned back in his chair.

"Yeah! I was so surprised about the fact that Onodera practically started it all!" Said Takano. He sounded proud. My blush became deeper.

"Th-that was..." I began, but I was at a loss for words.

"Let's never speak of yesterday. Ever." Said Ciel. I pointed at Ciel.

"Thank you. I couldn't agree more." I agreed, confidently. Unfortunately, our semes wouldn't listen.

"So, did you enjoy messing me up?" Asked Sebastian. He blinked at me. My blush intensified even more.

"Yeah, that was an interesting site. For all of us." Agreed Takano. He didn't even sound jealous, which is so unlike him. Pervert.

"In my defense,... I was horny and Sebastian is hot." I said, that last part was barely a whisper. Unfortunately, everybody heard me. Even Ciel raised his head at my comment.

"What, so you sleep with any guy you find hot? Thanks.." Said Takano, sarcastically. I am going to regret saying this in the future. I squeezed my eyes shut, increased my blush, and faced away from Takano.

"I-it's not like I do not find you attractive Takano, cause I do. It's just that my heart beats too fast around you even when you are not doing anything to me." I confessed. Takano forced me around to look at him, and then he kissed me passionately. I didn't even fight him off.

When he let go, he just continued to look at me with pure love in his eyes. They made me feel embarrassed. I pushed him away.

"D-don't look at me like that." I said.

"It's ok, Ciel has a lot of flaws, too." Said Sebastian. Ciel spit out his scone when Sebastian said that.

"L-like what?!?" He said, flustered.

"Like..." Sebastian began, but Ciel put his hand over his mouth.

"D-don't list them." Said Ciel, still flustered.

"Yeah, so does Onodera." Takano said.

"And you don't?" Me and Ciel said at the same time, referring to our semes.

"Yeah, name one thing." Said Sebastian, confidently.

"You have an unhealthy obsession with cats." Replied Ciel.

"You just wish you were the cat." Said Sebastion.

"I do n-" Began Ciel, but then Sebastian interrupted him.

"Really? At least I can put on my pants." Said Sebastian. That made Ciel absolutely furious.

"Yeah, but at least Ciel doesn't faint from malnutrition." Said Takano. I shot him an unbelievable look.

"Yeah, but he would not last long without me. I literally do everything for him." Replied Sebastian. That caused an unbelievable look from Ciel. Then Takano started randomly laughing. He then grabbed my hand.

"Ciel doesn't have the guts to confess his love to a random stranger." Said Takano. He sounded proud. I started to blush.

"Maybe so, but I am sure you cannot handle the past Ciel had." Replied Ciel. It was Ciels turn to blush.

"Yeah, but at least we have parents who love us." I replied. That made Takano angry.

"At least I can do whatever the hell I want. I do not need my parents permission!" Shot back Takano.

"... At least you have parents." Said Ciel, weakly. The atmosphere got very awkward then.

"I'm sorry...." I apologized weakly. I feel like it's my fault,

"It's not your fault." Said Takano and Ciel at the same time. I simply nodded.

Takano x Onodera to the Phantomhive ManorWhere stories live. Discover now