At London

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Onodera POV

When we walked out of the airport, I was blown away from this amazing view.

"Wow." I said.

"You like it?" Asked Takano.

"Yes, I do." I replied.

After 5 minutes of walking, I started to wonder if we are lost.

"Do you know where we are going?" I asked Takano. I looked over at him to see that he is looking at a map. He looked confused. That's not a good sign.

"We're lost?" I asked annoyed.

"Shhh. I will figure this out." Said Takano. I looked over his shoulder.

"Yeah, we're lost." I said.

"No we're not!" Screamed Takano. I exhaled.

"Yes we are. So do you want to hail a cab? Or should we ask someone?" I asked.

"We do not know English though." Said Takano.

"So what? Would you rather get even more lost? What do you think we should do?" I asked.

"We will find it." Replied Takano, I exhaled loud and obnoxiously. Takano looked at me angrily.

After 30 minutes of walking, Takano suddenly stopped. Since I was walking behind him, I ran into him.

"We're lost." He said.

"No shit, Einstein." I snapped back. I hit him on the head.

"Ow." He said, covering his head. Just then, we ran into somebody.

"We're sorry-" I apologized. I looked up to see somebody with red eyes, pale skin, and raven hair. He was sooo handsome.

"It's ok, misters. Are you two Japanese?" Asked the handsome guy. I hugged him when I heard him speak Japanese. He tensed up from under me. I felt Takano shoot daggers into me. I reluctantly let go.

"Oh thank god, you speak Japanese. Yes, we are from Japan. Can you help us?" I said enthusiasticly.

"Of course." He said, bowing. He then grabbed the map from Takano. Takano was mad.

He quickly glanced at the paper before saying, "you're going the opposite direction." When he said that, I punched Takano in the arm hard.

"You asshole!!!" I screamed at Takano.

"I am very sorry to be interrupting, but would you like to stay at my mansion?" He asked.

"Yes." I said without a moments hesitation.

"No." Said Takano. Takano crossed his arms.

"Oh really? You would rather go to a 3 star hotel rather than a mansion? Either way, it is free." I shot at Takano.

He looked at me once before saying, "fine. Fine. Well come. Thank you so much."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." I said.

"Very well. Follow me to my carriage. My name is Sebastian btw. Sebastian Michaelis. People call each other by there first name here in London. What are your names?" Said the hot guy (Sebastian)

"My name is Ritsu Onodera, and this is Masamune Takano. We normally be called by our last names. Mine is Onodera, and this is Takano." I explained.

"Got it. Welcome to London, Mr. Onodera and Mr. Takano." Sebastian said bowing.

"Thank you." I said, bowing back.

When he got to the carriage, Sebastian helped us up into the carriage. I fought back a blush. Takano grabbed my hand when we got into the carriage. He is probably jealous. I smiled at the thought that Takano is jealous.

"Excuse my rudeness, but are you two gay?" Asked Sebastian politely. My cheeks started becoming red.

"Yes." Said Takano. He tightened the grip on my hand. I looked out the window, refusing to say anything.

"It's ok. So am I." Confessed Sebastian. I whipped my head to look at him when he said that.

"Really?!" Me and Takano both asked. We looked at each other when we said that. Then I looked at Sebastian again.

"Yes. My lovers name is Ciel Phantomhive, my young master. I am his butler. Don't tell him I said that though." Sebastian said. He winked at that last sentence. I smiled.

"Your secret is safe with us." I said, crossing my heart. Takano did the same. He is probably just glad he will not go for me now. I gently shook my head at that thought.

"Yeah, we're dating, too." Said Takano. I hit him on the head hard. He started rubbing his head.

"No we're not." I told him.

"Well, I love you, and you love me too, so..." Said Takano. I let go of him, crossing my arms, looking out the window.

"I don't love you." I said.

"I am very sorry, Mr. Onodera. But I think you love Takano more than he loves you." Said Sebastian. I hid my face.

"Not you too..." I mumbled into my knees. Takano started laughing next to me.

"Finally somebody agrees." Said Takano. I want to crawl into a corner and die... I'm so damn embarassed. Takano started petting my back.

"Get your filthy hands off of me." I said. That made Sebastian start laughing. Then, Takano started laughing. I just smiled at the sight of them laughing.

Takano x Onodera to the Phantomhive ManorWhere stories live. Discover now