A Day at the Pool Pt. 1

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Onodera POV
The next day, I woke up sweating. It didn't help that Takano was laying on top of me. Jeez, is he ever going to sleep in his own room?? ... Probably not. I started hitting him.

"Takano! Get your fat ass off of me!! I'm sweating..." I started to complain. He started to mumble. And then he woke up. He started to stand up, but then his legs gave up on him, and then he fell off the bed. I started laughing so hard that I started to cry. Then he stood up from the ground. He started fanning himself.

"Damn. It's hot as balls in here." Said Takano. With that, he removed his shirt, revealing his abs. His hair was sticking to his head from his sweat. I had to look the other way so Takano doesn't see my blushing face. Jeez, I wonder what I am thinking about.

Just then, Sebastian came in panting. I looked in his direction. He looked like he just came out of the shower. He was that sweaty.

"Breakfasts ready." Sebastian said, sounding out of breath. Just then, he wiped off his forehead.

"Don't you have other clothes? Besides those butler clothes?" I asked, concerned.

"Nope." Sebastian replied.

"Well, we should go shopping. If Ciel says its ok." I said.

"Maybe..." He said, daydreaming.

Time skip brought you by the picture in your head of Sebastian being sweaty 👅☺️😤👌😍😽

Me and Takano walked downstairs. Ciel was sitting in his chair with his legs crossed, eating his scone. His usually blue hair is black with sweat. He was still wearing his usual clothes though.

All 3 of us sat down to eat breakfast, all except Sebastian. About 5 minutes later, Ciel suddenly stood up from his chair, causing the rest of us to become shocked, and look up at him. He started panting.

"I can't do this all day. We have to go to a pool. Sebastian, I order you to find a pool for us." Said Ciel. Sebastian bowed at Ciel.

"Yes, young master. I'll do that right away." Replied Sebastian.

Time skip brought to you by the greatness of summer

All 4 of us finally showed at a water park. The second we walked in, I ripped my shirt off.

"FINALLY!!!" I screamed. My hands were up in the air. I dived into the pool. I didn't care how cold it was. It felt so nice against my skin.

I was floating in the water when I heard a splash next to me. I looked over to see Takano. Directly after that was Ciel. He was still wearing his eyepatch. I tried to ignore it because I am sure he wears it for a reason.

The only person who is not in here is Sebastian. He was just standing out of the pool.

"Sebastian, why don't you come in?" I asked. Sebastian turned to look at me. He waved me away.

"Sorry, young masters, but I do not wish to get wet." Replied Sebastian.

"But you were sweatier than all of us." I replied. Just then, Ciel got out of the pool, and walked over to Sebastian. He whispered something in Sebastian's ear. Sebastian nodded. Then, Ciel jumped into the pool again.

I was about to ask Ciel what he said, but then I saw Sebastian start to take off his clothes. Did Ciel give Sebastian permission? My question was proven correct when Sebastian was just in a pair of trunks with skulls all over them, and the devil all over them. (ironic, right?) He jumped in, the waves pushing me into Takano. I blushed when he caught me. I tried to swim away, but he was hugging me.

"Takano-San!!" I started to whine, attempting to push him away.

"Do you two want to go ride a scary water slide with me and Onodera?" Asked Takano. That made a nerve pop in my brain.

"Stop deciding everything on your own!!" I yelled at him.

"So, you don't want to?" Asked Takano, looking down at me. I avoided his gaze.

"I never said that..." I mumbled. Takano laughed at me.

"Ok." He said. "So, you guys in?"

"Yes, I guess." Said Ciel.

"If young master says so, then I will go too." Said Sebastian. I didn't notice Takano going to pick me up until I felt him scoop me up into his eyes. So now he was carrying me bridal style. I instantly blushed. I looked over, and I see that Ciel is in the situation as me. He was blushing as well. Then, both seems carried their ukes to the nearest scary ride. They carried us up the stairs as well.

"You know.. we can walk on our own." I said, feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah.. this is embarrassing." Said Ciel.

"Your going to have to order me to do it." Said Sebastian.

"Sebastian, I order you to put me down." Said Ciel. Sebastian put him down. I looked up at Takano.

"Takano, can you-" I began, but then Takano harshly interrupted me with a "No."

"... Ok..." I said awkwardly.

Takano x Onodera to the Phantomhive ManorWhere stories live. Discover now