Sekai Afterstory

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Onodera POV

5 years later

So, me and Takano are indeed married. The first thing we did was get approved by both of our parents.

It look a little while to find Takanos mom, and when we did find her, she just said she didn't care.

My mom took a little bit more work in order to approve us. She was shocked that I was gay, and Takano spent hours trying to convince my mom that I will not hurt me again. But, she finally approved of us when I explained that I have a greater chance of leaving Takano than the other way around. I also was very hesitant in loving him again even though it is my fault that we broke up in the first place, so I am aware of the chances.

After our parents both approved, we got married a month later. Yokozawa, An chan, and Haitini was there. An chan was crying when we got married, but she met Haitini at the party, and now they like each other, so now they are engaged. A very unlikely couple, but they work. I cried tears of joy when we got married.

We went on a honeymoon to Hawaii. Apparently he secretly saved up his money for this moment. He is so persistent.

We adopted twins. Right now, Takatsu, our son, and our daughter, Ritsamune, our both 3 years. We both moved out of our apartments, and we moved in to a small but comfortable home.

Takano cooks all of the meals in the house since he still doesn't trust me since I passed out from malnutrition.

We still work at Marukawa Publishing. Everybody knows about us, and we surprised to find out that a lot of other people are also gay.

5 years later, I still do not regret my decision in marrying him. Even though he does do some embarrassing things at work since they all know about us now. And also, we have the same bed so we have night sex like everyday.

We drive in Takanos car to work everyday. I haven't been on a train since we came home after the vacation.

I still keep in touch with Ciel. Takano isn't too happy about it. But, then I got Sebastian's number for Takano to talk to. I also text Sebastian as well. But, I am scared to talk to him about too private stuff because I know he will tell Takano.

All 4 of us are planning on hanging out again sometime soon.

Even to this day, all 4 of us still talk about the Truth or Dare game. Specifically the foursome.

I learned to just deal with it.

Takano still does things that cause my blush to show, but the same things eventually are starting to not show my blush as prominent. I guess I am finally getting used to it.

Since we both are Onoderas, I call him by Masamune. Having the name Onodera was one of my moms requirements. In my mind I still call him Takano though.

I have been a little bit more dominant lately. Every now and then, I'll give him a kiss on the lips. A blush will definitely always be prominent when I do it though.

His personality is still exactly the same, except he stopped pressuring me in saying I love him because I did indeed tell him. I say it everyday now.

I wonder where we would be like if we never went to London. Whatever. We did go to London, and all of this did indeed happen. Thank god.

We sleep in the same bed like any other couple. Takano wouldn't let me get my own bed under any circumstances.

He always says how it is very nice waking up next to me with no worry that I will never wake up next to him again.

I agree. It got so much easier when I stopped denying my feelings. Looking back, I wonder how I did it for so long. It was only hurting us.

No matter how cruel I was, Takano never left. And now life is just how he imagined. And life is just how I secretly wanted it as well.

At first we were a little scared that we didn't necessarily started dating before getting married. But, then I realized we both didn't want to wait. We just couldn't.

And Takano made a good point. That we were practically dating all of this time. We did everything that couples did. If I realized my feelings sooner, we would've been dating.

The month before we got married, we sat down and got to know everything about each other. At first, it was a little awkward for us. But it was totally worth it because now we have absolutely no problem coming up with a conversation.

We still talk about the same things that we have always have though.

I love him and I am extremely grateful to have him be my husband. This is the beginning of forever for us.

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