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ZERO IMMEDIATELY HOPPED, off of Y/N just by the sound of her door opening beside of them. For a second he thought that Yujin had somehow come back from the dead to get payback on both him and Y/N, then he realized that the woman did mention something about her father during their process of getting rid of the dead body, and he calmed himself down and comforted himself by remembering that Yujin was in fact still dead, which was sad because the thought of him being gone made him extremely happy.

He ended up across from the woman with their heads still towards the door while it finally was pushed open by the other person on the other side of the door, finally opening to reveal a tall man with H/C hair and E/C eyes. It was like Y/N could see know what she'd look like if she was an older man.

"Hey, did you-" he paused once his E/C eyes landed on the blonde that only cowered down on the bed just by the sight of his loves father.

He wasn't expecting him to be so intimidating, but that also caused him to be nervous since he'd never met him and he was just sitting on the girls bed, plus she also looked so miserable to be with him, which wasn't going to work in his favors at all.

Turning his face back to his daughter with narrowed eyes, he swung his arm towards the blue eyed teen that gripped the sheets beside his legs, "Who is this??"

"It's... Zero." Was all she could murmur at the moment, not expecting her father to come back so quickly, and contemplating on whether she should tell him about the small adventure her and the male in front of her was just on.

Her father straightened his posture before he leaned against the side of her door, looking back at the blonde that gave the older man a kind smile that was quickly wiped off his face once he saw the same stern expression over his face.

He heard so many things about the woman's father, so he wondered why he seemed so mean if Y/N just loved him so much, it was weird to him but he assumed that it was because he didn't have the best relationship with his.

"Hi.. I'm Zero..!" The blonde teen then raised his arm up and gave the H/C haired father a little wave, trying to make the whole thing seem less awkward between the both of them.

"Yeah, I get that." The father grumbled before he snapped his neck back towards the silent girl on the bed once again, a look of wordy shining on his features this time, "Are you alright Y/N...? You seem.. different..."

"Huh?" Y/N was completely out of it, but she knew she had to fake it so she could keep her life, "Oh.. I'm fine dad, no need to worry about me.. just a little tired from what we did today..."

Although the female reassured her father, he could still definitely tell that there was something up that he didn't know about, and he wanted to get to the bottom of whatever it was, "Well what did you guys do today..??"

Y/Ns eyes shot open at her very own words replaying in her mind, noticing how dirty they sounded out loud, "Wait, no...! It wasn't anything bad.. I swear. We were just outside..."

"Ahh, okay, okay... Well, what did you guys do outside??" The father then looked over to a Zero that seemed to be sweating all because of the questions that flooded his and Y/Ns way.

He couldn't imagine what interrogations were like, so he just made sure that he wouldn't even get caught, and he made sure he'd build something up at the top of his head.

"We just hung out with some friends.. it wasn't anything bad, I promise dad.. Just leave it alone.." Y/N leaned her head up from her bed and stared directly into her dads E/C eyes, trying to erase the lingering feeling that something bad was happening.

Humming at the girls words, that's when Y/N saw her father leaning off the door with his eyes softening just by the tone of her voice becoming a little more pleading and desperate than usual. He then knew that something was definitely up, but since she didn't want him to interfere, he wasn't going to just for her.

The man whipped his head back to Zero that shifted on her bed, just picking at her sheets while he acted like he didn't see Y/Ns father glaring daggers into him.

It was so intense between the both of them, but whenever he turned back to his daughter he'd become soft and protective, which was something that didn't go unnoticed by the blonde. He was a little jealous but then he'd play back all of the times he'd succeeded without his fathers help.

Yet another grumble erupted from the fathers throat before he finally turned on his heel, placed his hand on the door knob, pulled it back, and then proceeded to walk out with a bad feeling building up in his stomach.

Zero piped up at the sound of the door shutting before he looked towards the girl with a genuine smile on his face, making it clear that he was glad since she didn't tell him what they'd done.

Y/N just looked back down towards her breath with a long huff escaping her nose before she felt the boy crawling beside her so that hey could both be laying down.

"So no fucking..?" He whispered in her ear, watching as the only thing he received was a glare from her.

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