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WHEN IT WAS THE NIGHT OF, the dance, Zero couldn't wait for the night that was set out for him, and he couldn't wait to see the woman he was falling for. He had a plain white button up shirt, and a pair of dark brown khakis on as pants. Zero really did want to impress Y/N, but he didn't have any flashy clothes.

The male was in front of his house, pacing around with a big blush shown on his usually pale cheeks.

Zero was waiting for Y/N to pick him up, and he started getting nervous because since he was alone for quite some time, he began to overthink about things.

As if on time, he heard two short honks come from a car beside him.

Turning his head to see Y/N waving at him with her usual grin, the boy mirrored her actions and smiled before he began to jog over to the females car.

Once the blonde had finally made it to her car, he opened the passenger door and slipped himself right into the car with a huff.

"It's pretty dark, you know.. you shouldn't be alone out here or someone will snatch your little ass up." Y/N joked as Zero shut the door with a giggle.

"Stop that," he sighed with a small smile, brushing away his hair, "Nobody would even want me..."

Y/N stared at the blondes features for a minite before she reached her hand out to his face and forced him to look back at her. "Shut up, I would've kidnapped you."

Zero could already feel the blush on his cheeks spreading across his face. "Uh- oh.. Ah.. uh.."

"Come here, give me a kiss," Zero stiffened up and shut his eyes once he saw the female lean her face closer to him.

When the male felt Y/Ns lips on top of his, he quickly kissed back so he wouldn't miss it before she pulled away.

After the kiss, Zero only then looked the woman up and down to see her outfit. He really liked the fact that she wasn't underdressed or overdressed, she looked just perfect.

Zero also liked that they were practically matching. She had on a dark brown dress that was partnered with black shoes. It wasn't anything that crazy, and he loved how simples Y/N was. He thought her hair was done really nicely as well.

The loud music vibrating throughout the large gymnasium really annoyed Zero but he knew he'd have to get over it for Y/N. He told himself that over and over again for the one woman.

Zero held onto Y/Ns arm as he followed her through the crowded room, not wanting to get caught up with anyone else.

After a few moments of walking, the blonde felt his bully stop in her tracks, causing him to look up at her with a puzzled look.

"What's wrong?" He asked, not as shy to speak to her anymore.

Looking from the corner of her E/C eyes, the woman made eye contact with the blonde. "What are you doing?"

Zero only tilted his head to the side, silently asking the female to be more specific.

"You're like..." She began to pull and tug her arm to the side in annoyance, "Gripping my fucking arm."

The boy instantly let go with no questions asked. He felt a bit embarrassed since others glanced at them with confusion and laughter erupting from them, but he tried not to pay them any mind.

After letting go of the females arm, she turned to him and raised her hands to each sides of Zero's face.

Leaning her face closer to his, she planted a short kiss on the tip of his nose, resulting in the sides of his lips to quirk up.

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