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JUST BECAUSE ZERO LET, Y/N go to wherever she was going, that didn't mean he wasn't going to be away from her. He stood in the hallway with his bag over his shoulder for a while as he waited for the woman to be out of his sight, and once he didn't see the woman at all, that's when he began to walk after her, making sure his footsteps were light so she wouldn't hear him.

While Zero walked at a far distance from the female, he began to watch her pull her phone from her pocket with a smile, and that created an exasperated expression on his face.

He was so upset because he knew he couldn't just go up to the girl and beg her to tell him who was making her smile even though he really wanted to.

During the walk that felt she was going across the country to the man, it was only then that Y/N got the sense that someone was following behind her, so she slowly turned herself around, noticing eyes burning holes into her back even more.

Once the H/C haired girl was turned around, she went still and stopped her walking.

She just stood there with her E/C eyes scanning her surroundings. She was sure that there was someone following her, she just didn't see anyone. There wasn't a soul in sight.

Just accepting the fact that she didn't see anyone behind her, Y/N then turned herself back around and began her journey to wherever she was going, resulting in the blonde that hid behind a large pillar to finally feel like he was able to breathe.

Zero could've sworn that was the only time he was ever thankful for the skinny body he was born in.

He quietly panted in fear of getting caught while he stared at the woman that just went on her way, the only thing being heard was her shoes hitting against the floor beneath her.

When the teen that was getting closer and closer to where she was going to meet up with the two other men, that's when Zero decided to follow after her again, being a little slower this time.

After a while of continuing to follow the female that started walking at a faster pace, Zero and Y/N finally both reached their destination.

"Hey, guys. I literally had to speed walk here.." she groaned out with a short chuckle while the red haired man and the other blue eyed teen came up to her with smiles of their own, only angering the blonde that was out of their sight even more.

"All to give Zero money..." Nick rolled his beady dark eyes as he crossed his arms with a head shake, "Why don't you ever treat me like that Y/N?"

"Because I don't like you, Nick," she responded, her laugh booming through the ears of all the men nearby her.

Castiel joined in her laughter as he pushed the back of his hand up to his mouth, trying to act like he wasn't laughing at the red head as well.

Flickering his eyes inbetween Y/N and Castiel with a pout, Nick puffed out his chest and narrowed his eyes, "Hey! Nothings funny because we both know you had a crush on me in the eight grade."

Once the blonde male saw Y/N stop her laughing to just stare right at the red head that smirked at her, that's when he knew it was true. Her silence hurt him and all he wanted to do was attack Nick like he was a wild animal.

"Hmmm, well. You used to be so cute, man. What.. happened??" Castiel genuinely wondered while he inspected the pale mans face with strained eyes.

Pushing his hand out to the dark haired teens chest while he gently shut his eyes, Nick pursed his lips with a hum, "Hey man, that's pretty gay."

Castiel grabbed Nick's wrist before he pushed his hand off of him with a scoff, "Don't act like you didn't know."

"What? You're gay?" Y/N chimed in the conversation with genuine curiosity forming through her mind.

"No. Half and half."

The pale teen blinked profusely while he zoned out in thought before he turned to his curly haired friend, "So you're a bisexual."

"No. I'm bisexual." Castiel replied bluntly, only resulting in Nick to get deeper in his thoughts.

The redhead was just confused by the other man, and the monotone in his voice didn't really help him either. "That's literally what I just said..."

"No, you said I was a bisexual, you didn't say that I'm bisexual. There's a difference, you know." Castiel corrected the dark eyed man that just shook his head with yet another hum.

"Well.. we support you." The female gave him a quick smile that was gone with the quickness.

Zero heard every exchange of the trios conversation, but he didn't care since knew he would've thought of Castiel as competition even if he only liked men because he knew in the end that his jealousy was also based off of the amount of attention Y/N gave others. Nobody was safe in his eyes.

"Okay but I actually love your hair, Nick. I didn't think it'd actually work out for you, either... You kind of look.. hotter!" The H/C haired teen admitted, setting the blondes blood on fire.

Nick squinted his dark eyes at Y/N as he pushed his hand up to his face before he began to rub it against his cheek, "Shut up... You don't mean that, weirdo."

"I do though. I think you look quite cute and charming," she teased, walking closer to the redhead that tried his hardest to conceal the obvious blush that spread over to his face.

Castiel looked around at the redheads hair and nodded his head, "Nah, it could use some work. Now let's stop the lies, Y/N."

"Hey..!! I thought my haircut looked pretty nice..." Nick murmured as he ran his fingers through his red locks.

"Shut up, you're just jealous because I didn't compliment your hair." She giggled over Nick's low whines to himself, looking at the other teen that just raised an eyebrow at her.

"I don't need your approval. I love my curls." He said with a straight face.

Now it was Nick's turn to look around at Castiels hair with an expressionless look over his features before he said something. "Yeah, but they could use a little-"

"Racism." Castiel joked as he tried to keep a straight face.

Shaking her head from side to side while the redhead started to panic a little, Y/N pointed a finger at him and tapped her foot against the ground, "Oooh, he got you there, Nick."

While the three friends continued to joke with one another, Zero raised his fingers up to his hair with eyes that had tears threatening to spill from his baby blue eyes.

He hated the other men for being the womans favorites, so he thought he'd just become them so Y/N would love him even more.

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