One Step Closer to Unification | 033 |

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──❝One Step Closer to Unification❞──


Ashley stirred from her slumber, a groan escaping her lips. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing drowsy, and disoriented, eyes that gradually adjusted to the soft, diffused light that painted the room in a warm glow. Stretching her arms above her head, Ashley felt the weariness from the plaga gradually dissipate. She could sense that something had changed, but her drowsy mind struggled to fully grasp the reality of her surroundings. She slowly sat up, her face still wearing a drowsy expression. As she turned her head to the side, her heart skipped a beat, and a tender smile graced her lips.

There, at the end of the bed, nestled close together, were [Y/n] and Leon, their heads gently resting upon one another. The sight filled Ashley's heart with warmth as she observed the peaceful tableau before her. A gentle sigh escaped her lips, carrying with it a mix of relief, contentment, and affection. Slowly and cautiously, Ashley sat up, the old bed beneath her emitting a soft creak, the sound barely audible. Leon, ever alert and attuned to even the slightest disturbance, snapped awake, his body instinctively tensing as his sharp eyes scanned the dimly lit cell, searching for any signs of danger.

Ashley watched as Leon's eyes darted around the room, the strong lines of his face etched with a mixture of lingering concern and sleepy confusion. As his gaze finally found its way back to Ashley, his rigid posture relaxed, replaced by relief and a hint of a smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. "Sorry, we're late," Leon whispered, his voice laden with exhaustion. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, trying to regain composure. "No. Thank you." Not wanting to disrupt the tranquility that had settled upon the room, Ashley motioned towards [Y/n] with a gentle nod of her head. Understanding immediately, Leon's attention turned toward her, his eyes softened as they fell upon the person who had curled up beside him during the entire time. 

Moving with cautious tenderness, Leon shifted his position, careful not to disturb [Y/n]'s peaceful slumber. He reached out a hand, ever so lightly brushing aside a strand of hair that lay across her forehead. In the lingering silence of the cell, Ashley could almost hear the soft breaths that escaped [Y/n]'s lips, a testament to her unharmed state. "You two must have been through a lot," Ashley whispered, her voice filled with admiration. "But I'm grateful that you both made it out safely." As his fingers grazed against [Y/n]'s cheek, Leon's tense expression melted away, replaced by an expression of quiet assurance. Satisfied that [Y/n] was safe and well, he turned his gaze back to Ashley, his eyes reflecting a silent understanding.

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