Elusive Fate: The Search for Love | 025 |

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──❝Elusive Fate: The Search for Love❞──


[Y/n] struggled to break free, but the Verdugo grip was too strong. As they were carried deeper into the unknown, [Y/n] couldn't help but wonder what fate awaited her in this terrifying realm. Just as she entered the Throne Room, she was abruptly tossed to the ground with little regard for her well-being. The impact knocked the wind out of her, leaving her gasping for breath and disoriented. "Welcome Ms. [S/n]. I must say you've been quite the elusive catch." A mischievous chuckle filled the throne room, and [Y/n] looked up to see Ramón perched regally on his throne, his chin resting on his hand as he playfully smirked down at her. His mischievous grin sent a shiver down her spine as she realized that escaping his clutches would be no easy task. She mustered up all her courage and managed to croak out, "I should've known better than to underestimate you, Ramón. All this time, you've been trying to get me alone." 

[Y/n] diverted her attention to the other Verdugo clad in Los Illuminados cloaks, standing beside Ramón. The sight of another massive being made her stomach churn in discomfort. She couldn't take down the other beast on her own, she needed Leon's help. [Y/n] gritted her teeth and let out a grunt as her side began to throb with pain, causing her to stumble and stand up from the ground. She gingerly touched the area and winced, realizing that she must have injured herself during the fall. "Where's Ashley? What did you do to her?!" she demanded, eyes narrowing as she scanned the surroundings for any sign of the young woman. "The girl's in safe hands. Has been putting up a fight. She should be here any second." Ramón waved his hand dismissively.

"I am honored to have you here. You can finally be one of us." Ramón said, with a crooked grin on his face. "Don't get your hopes up, Ramón. I will never be one of you." [Y/n] spat, fingers twitching at her sides, itching to act on her violent impulses and retaliate against Ramón. She imagined plunging her combat knife deep into his neck and watching as life slowly drained from his eyes. But she held herself back, knowing that she couldn't let her emotions cloud her judgment. "Don't get snippy with me. Of course not, not yet at least. But rest assured, you will soon join after the necessary ritual." Ramón stated, rather pleased with himself. He knew that once the ritual was complete, she would no longer resist their ways and would finally understand the true purpose of their community. 

"You unfortunate soul. Prince Charming is unable to rescue you from your own misfortune," Ramón sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "It seems that fate has a twisted sense of humor, doesn't it? Now that you're here, you can finally be merged with the plaga; what a fitting end for someone like you." Ramón's eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure, reveling in the power he held over [Y/n]. The room grew colder, and a sense of impending doom filled the air, leaving the unfortunate soul trembling in fear. "You won't get away with this, Ramón!" [Y/n] shouted defiantly, her voice quivering with a mix of fear and determination. "I may be trapped now, but I won't let you win. Leon will come for me, and he won't rest until you're dead." With every word, [Y/n] tried to summon the courage to face her tormentor head-on, refusing to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume her.

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