The Hedge Maze | 020 |

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──❝The Hedge Maze❞──


After locating Ashley, who was still in the room, [Y/n] left her in favor of searching for Leon. Upon their reunion, the three had a heartfelt exchange, with Ashley expressing her relief and concern for their safety. As they were planning their departure, Leon suddenly began to exhibit the telltale signs of the plaga, including visible veins. Ashley was shocked to learn that he had also been implanted with the parasite and was concerned about how he had managed to keep his condition a secret. However, Leon reassured her that he was fine and that they would make it out alive. 

Leon soon sent a call to Luis, his boot tapping impatiently on the floor as he waited for the man's response to his urgent call. The man had better pick up soon, or Leon would be forced to take matters into his own hands. "Luis, where are you?" Leon's voice was laced with frustration and urgency as he spoke into the earpiece. "Sorry, I, uh, I screwed up. Come to my rescue, Prince Charming." Luis teased, with a hint of desperation. Leon sneered, "I'll show you charming, pal!" Leon's patience was wearing thin as he listened to Luis's teasing response. He knew he had no choice but to go and help the man out of whatever mess he had gotten himself into. "C'mon. I'm in the ballroom, past the courtyard. Don't be late to the dance!" The call disconnects. 

"Can't believe that guy," Leon muttered under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief. He had never encountered someone so bizarre and well-rounded before. "I don't know; I think you're a perfect match for each other," said [Y/n], teasing him Leon glanced at [Y/n] with a mix of annoyance and amusement. "Made for each other? No way. I can't even begin to understand how his mind works," he replied, shaking his head again. "He's in trouble. We can't just leave him, right?" asked Ashley, concerned. Leon sighed and looked at Ashley, contemplating their options. "I guess you're right. As frustrating as he may be, we should at least try to help him out." 

As the trio stepped out of the room, they found themselves standing on the terrace overlooking the vast hedge maze. The hedge maze was a labyrinth of towering green walls, intricately designed to confuse and challenge anyone who dared to enter. The trio could see the twists and turns of the maze, wondering what secrets it held within its leafy corridors. "It doesn't seem like anyone's around," [Y/n] said, her voice filled with a sense of relief. She took the lead, making her way down the stairs, when her eyes caught sight of the gate where they had first separated. However, she quickly averted her gaze, not wanting to dwell on the painful memory of how she had unintentionally hurt Leon. 

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