The Castle | 015 |

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──❝The Castle❞──


Leon, [Y/n], and Ashley sprinted through the dense forest, their hearts pounding in their chests as their feet pounded against the leaf-covered ground. The air was thick with tension, with a heavy sense of foreboding hanging over them like a shroud. The towering trees, shrouded in the ethereal mist, seemed to whisper secrets amongst themselves, while their gnarled branches reached out towards the trio, as if unsettlingly eager to snare them.

Shrouded in darkness, they pushed through the underbrush, their cheeks stung by errant branches and a feeling of urgency coursing through their veins. The forest was a labyrinth, with its twisted paths and hidden dangers. Each step brought them further into the unknown, echoes of their rapid breathing filling the silence as they traversed the sinister forest. Finally, sprinting through the graveled trail, the silhouette of the castle emerged. Its gothic walls, towering spires, and menacing aura rose above the dense canopy, the embodiment of a formidable adversary. The structure seemed to leer at them, its windows resembling hostile eyes peering into their souls.

With a renewed surge of adrenaline, they quickened their pace, desperately running towards the castle. The path became treacherous and slippery with rain-slicked stones, but they pressed on. As they neared the massive wooden drawbridge connecting the outside world and the imposing fortress, Leon bellowed. "Let's go!" pushing his body to its limit. [Y/n] and Ashley followed suit, their lungs burning, their muscles protesting, and a cold sweat glistening on their brows. The minute they entered the castle grounds, the old and weathered drawbridge creaked ominously as it began to ascend, rising into the air like a gargantuan beast ready to snap shut its jaws. Panic engulfed Ashley, and the bridge increased its speed as they closed in.

"What's going on?" Ashley asked, her heart sinking as her hope slowly started slipping away with each passing second. "I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are," replied [Y/n], looking around for any clues or signs of what could be happening. The drawbridge was soon sealed shut with thunderous finality. Leon gazed up at the foreboding castle, its towering structure a singular testament to their entrapment. "Well, at least we don't have to worry about being followed. Come on." 

As the trio continues their journey down the castle's winding path, an incoming call suddenly rings through the agent's earpieces, catching their attention. Leon and [Y/n] quickly answer the call, adjusting their tone to fit the urgency. "Hola. Luis here. You guys still around?" Luis's voice crackles through the speaker. "Yeah, we're still here," [Y/n] responds. "Well, we wanted to go home, but Ashley just had to see his castle first." Ashley raises an eyebrow at the mention of her name but remains silent. 

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