The Last Stand of Ramón | 029 |

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──❝The Last Stand of Ramón❞──


Now, it was just Leon, [Y/n], and Ramón standing in the Clocktower. "Such a fool, Mr. Kennedy." Ramón, with a sinister smile twisting his face, turned around with his hands clasped behind his back. Ramón stood with an air of arrogance and confidence, his twisted grin never faltering, as he spoke, Lord Saddler's disappointed in you. But he's forgiving. If you just hand over the girl, maybe he'll reconsider letting you live." As he extended his bony hand towards them, a glimmer of triumph danced in his eyes. An audible scoff escaped Leon's lips as he defiantly stared at Ramón. "I'd rather die than betray her," Leon declared, his voice filled with determination. Ramón's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "What don't you get? I'll never hand over [Y/n] to anyone, especially not to a bunch of cult lunatics like you." 

 "Very well, Mr. Kennedy. Your stubbornness will be your downfall. To have been bestowed with Lord Saddler's grace, and yet fail to-" Leon abruptly cut him off. "You talk too much." With boldness as sharp as his words, Leon drew his gun and aimed it directly at Ramón, firing two shots that struck him in the chest. The impact didn't seem to faze him, but it did make him even more furious. It was clear that he had never experienced disrespect in such an overt manner. Ramón's face twisted with fury as he clutched his bleeding chest, his eyes burning with a newfound determination to make Leon pay for his insolence. "You vulgar, utterly uncivilized-" Before he could finish his sentence, a bullet pierced through his head and exited the other side, silencing him instantly. Ramón stumbled back from the impact of the gunshot, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief before his body lost its balance and he toppled over the edge of the bridge, disappearing into the darkness. "mongrel..."

Leon holstered his pistol, ensuring it was securely fastened to his side, as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to wipe away the sweat that had gathered on his forehead. A sense of relief washed over Leon as he witnessed Ramón's lifeless body gradually disappear into the ominous depths of the darkened abyss. The sight of Ramón's crumpled form riddled mercilessly with wounds that epitomized futility served as a chilling reminder of the impending specter of death, evoking a complex array of emotions within Leon. However, amidst this macabre scene, his thoughts were solely consumed by one paramount concern: the safety and well-being of his beloved [Y/n].

[Y/n] gathered Leon's face in the palms of her hands like a fragile flower, her touch gentle and loving. She looked deep into his eyes, searching for any sign of pain or worry. "Fuck, I was so worried. Leon, are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern, looking him up and down. Her eyes linger on the dried blood staining his shoulder. It's a miracle that he ended up as unscathed as he did. Only bruises and scrapes, miraculously. Leon's eyes met hers, and he could see the worry etched on her face. He nodded, reassured by her touch and words, "I'm okay, sweetheart. I'm OK. Are you?" he inquired. "Feel shitty. But I'll be fine," she replied, forcing a weak smile. "Yeah, for now. But I don't know how long it will be until the Plaga consumes me completely." [Y/n] replied dryly. Leon's eyes narrowed as he studied the woman before him, his gaze lingering on the veins that marred her face. He could see the toll that the Plaga had already taken on her, and he knew that time was running out. [Y/n] strength and resilience amazed him, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread for what lay ahead. They both knew that their time together was limited, and they had to make every moment count. 

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