An Escape Route to the Surface | 026 |

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──❝An Escape Route to the Surface❞──


Leon stood in the chamber deep within the castle's imposing depths, his heart pounding in his chest. The weight of his mission to rescue the two women pressed upon him, urging him to find an escape from the labyrinthine passages that seemed to stretch endlessly in every direction. The air was heavy with a dampness that clung to him like a second skin, causing the hairs on his arms to stand on end. "I need to find a way to the surface." Leon retrieved his flashlight from his belt and clicked it on, the beam cutting through the darkness and illuminating the cobweb-covered walls. He held it high above his head, casting long shadows that danced eerily across the walls. The sound of dripping water echoed through the labyrinth, a constant reminder of the treacherous environment he found himself in.

As he shone the flashlight into the dark depths, he could see the glimmer of something metallic reflecting back at him. It was [Y/n]'s discarded rifle, lying abandoned on the unforgiving fallen ruins. Her gear, so carefully prepared for their descent into the abyss, had been carelessly tossed aside as if a dark force had ripped away any trace of hope from their grasp. Leon made his way toward the weapon, his footsteps wading through the murky water that had pooled on the depths floor. Kneeling down, he cradled the rifle in his hands, feeling its weight and the cold touch of metal against his skin. With a sense of reverence, he checked the weapon, ensuring it was still in working order before slinging it over his shoulder. "She might want it back."

Leon's gaze shifted, to the rest of [Y/n]'s gear, that was slowly disappearing into the murky depths. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, his boots sinking into the ankle-deep water that filled the chamber. The dark liquid clung to his pant legs, leaving a trail of wet footprints in his wake. The water's stillness was disturbed only by the occasional ripple caused by Leon's movements, each concentric circle revealing the haunting reflections of the chamber's stone walls. Droplets fell from the ceiling, creating a dissonance that reverberated through the cavernous space, amplifying the eerie atmosphere. He gathered [Y/n]'s scattered gear, one piece at a time, the weight of it adding to the burden he already carried.

Leon, having prepared himself, ventured deeper into the depths, determined to find a way out. Navigating the treacherous terrain filled with jagged rocks and narrow crevices, Leon sidestepped his way forward. As he rounded a bend, he came across, a Zealot impaled on a stalagmite. "Talk about sticking the landing," Leon muttered under his breath, a grim smile forming on his face. He maneuvered the body to the side, making sure not to disturb the body as he continued on his way. His pants and boots became increasingly soaked as he delved further. As he ventured deeper into the narrow crevice, a faint sound caught his attention. The gentle stir of water echoed through the passage. He paused, his senses heightened as he listened intently, realizing that the source of the sound was not himself. It was coming from somewhere ahead. "The hell-- !?" Leon raised his pistol under the flashlight beam, cautiously advancing toward the source of the sound.

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