The Laboratory | 031 |

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──❝The Laboratory❞──


On the rocky shores, of the Island waves crashed relentlessly, creating a symphony of sound that echoed through the air. The rugged cliffs stood tall and imposing, along with the many factories that lined the coastline, their chimneys billowing smoke into the sky. In their forsaken state, they exude a sense of desolation and abandonment, leaving one to wonder about the stories they hold within their decaying walls. But it's not just the abandoned buildings that contribute to the island's haunting aura. The sense of isolation is further intensified by the heavy fortifications adorning every corner. These defensive structures, meticulously designed and strategically placed, give the impression of a town caught in the aftermath of some catastrophic event.

The fortress-like buildings were not just for show; they were teeming with life, guarded by fervent Soldiers. These dedicated individuals stand watch, armed with an array of formidable weapons. "They're going to be a pain to take out." It would be easy to mistake the island for a fortress in a dystopian world. The atmosphere was eerie as if time had stood still on this isolated piece of land. Leon and [Y/n] stood concealed behind a cluster of large, spiked rocks that towered over the factory in the distance. [Y/n] used her rifle scope to scan the area for any sign of Ashley, her heart racing with anticipation. The salty sea breeze whipped through their hair, carrying with it the scent of salt and seaweed. The rhythmic crashing of the waves against the rocks provided a soothing backdrop to their tense situation, as they prepared themselves for what lay ahead. 

Krauser appeared on the horizon, carrying a limp Ashley in his arms. Her unconscious state was evident, and it was clear that she had been taken by force. "Ashley. There you are." [Y/n] murmured, watching as Krauser's figure faded into the distance. Her gaze swept over the two guard towers on her left and the unmanned laser turret on the right before she peeled her eyes away from the scope. "Need to hurry. Let's get a move on." Leon urged as he motioned for [Y/n] to follow him. They knew that time was of the essence and they couldn't afford to waste any more moments. With determination in their eyes, they set off towards the factory, with the goal of infiltrating the base. 

Leon and [Y/n] opted for a safer route, steering clear of the heavily armed soldiers that were patrolling the area. Leon and [Y/n] headed towards the Wharf, taking cover behind a large jagged rock as they approached. 'Steady now.' With a steady hand, [Y/n] firmly gripped the rifle with her left hand while her index finger remained poised on the trigger, ready to take aim. [Y/n] focused her gaze through the scope, zeroing in on an unsuspecting soldier who was casually walking around inside a nearby building, clutching a menacing-looking club in their hand. With deadly precision, [Y/n] took aim and fired, hitting the soldier square in the back of the head. The impact sent the soldier crashing to the ground, leaving a gaping hole in his skull. Leon swiftly took aim with his pistol, zeroing in on a Soldier inside the building who was armed with a flambeau. With a single shot, he sent the Soldier tumbling to the ground, their head striking the wall with a sickening crack. Just as the Soldier's head was obliterated by Leon's shot, into a shower of blood and bone fragments. From the neck up, a writhing mass of tentacles emerged, violently flailing about in all directions. Leon clicked his tongue, and fired another round, this time aiming for the tentacles. The bullet pierced through the writhing mass, causing the Soldier to convulse violently before finally collapsing motionless on the ground. 

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