Seeking the Lost | 028 |

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──❝Seeking the Lost❞──


[Y/n] gradually regained consciousness, feeling a throbbing pain in her head and throughout her body. She struggled to open her eyes, the room around her blurry and unfamiliar. She tried to move but found herself unable to do so, her limbs feeling heavy and unresponsive. Confused and disoriented, she felt a sense of dizziness and nausea wash over her as the confusion set in. As her vision cleared, she realized she was lying on a cold, hard surface. An alter to be exact. The altar was gore-streaked, littered with smoldering candles, their wax dripping down onto the floor. Finally, she managed to sit up after a few moments of effort, her body protesting with every movement. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. A sense of unease crept over her as she noticed the eerie silence that hung in the air. 

As [Y/n]'s hand settled onto the altar, it slipped, causing her to cringe as a sticky substance coated her palm. She quickly pulled her hand back, a look of disgust crossing her face. Peering down, a shiver of horror crept down her spine as she saw her palm slick with a deep crimson stain on her skin. The liquid was thick and viscous, giving off a metallic scent that made her stomach churn. That's when she notices the outfit she was wearing, now stained with the same crimson substance. Instead of wearing her normal mission attire, she now wore a white dress that flowed elegantly to her ankles, the fabric now marred with dark splotches. The sight of the dress only intensified her unease, as it seemed out of place in the dark and eerie surroundings. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something sinister had transpired, leaving her questioning how she ended up in this mysterious predicament. She tried speaking, but no sound escaped her lips. Panic began to rise within her as she realized she couldn't even hear her own voice. It was as if the silence itself had become an entity, enveloping her in its suffocating grip. Desperate for answers, she frantically searched her surroundings, hoping to find any clue that would shed light on her current predicament. Where was Ashley? Was Leon still alive? Those were the questions that plagued [Y/n] mind.

Her breathing became labored, and the air around her became thick with anger. The dark void seemed to swallow her, amplifying her feelings of frustration and resentment. The weight of her emotions pressed down on her chest, making it harder for her to find solace in the surrounding silence. The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the corridors, accompanied by the sharp crack of a staff hitting the ground. The rhythmic cadence sent shivers down her spine, but she was too intrigued to make a noise. Whoever was approaching, she wanted to know more. Osmund Saddler loomed ominously, casting a shadow over [Y/n]. A gust of cold air picked up, causing his cloak to billow behind him like a dark flag unfurled on a battlefield.

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