The Hunt Begins | 024 |

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──❝The Hunt Begins❞──


"Oh, Ashley..." [Y/n] softly sighed, resting her forehead against the cold metal bar of the cage. It was a constant game of cat and mouse, with Ashley always managing to slip through their fingers. Tenseness gripped [Y/n] as a gloved hand gingerly touched her shoulder, followed by another comforting hand trailing up her arm. She pivoted her gaze to find Leon, his sympathetic expression offering a glimmer of hope. "We'll find a way to bring her back, I promise." [Y/n] nodded, clinging to Leon's words. The weight of the situation felt slightly lighter with his reassurance, and they knew they had to stay strong for Ashley's sake. 

"C'mon, let's get outta here." Leon inserted the key into the lock and turned it, feeling a sense of relief as the door swung open. The sudden interruption of their escape was met with a static-filled cacophony that filled the detectives' ears. Startled, they both reached for their earpieces simultaneously, their eyes meeting with a mix of curiosity and concern. "[Y/n]. Leon. Changed your mind yet?" An alluring voice crackled through the earpieces, causing both agents to exchange a puzzled glance. "Ada?" questioned [Y/n], her voice filled with disbelief. "Good to hear your voice again," Ada replied, her tone tinged with sultry confidence. Leon tsked, shaking his head slightly in disapproval. "What do you want, Ada?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of annoyance. The voice on the other end chuckled softly before replying, "Right to the point? Assuming you haven't, I've got a tip for you. Seems like something big is about to go down in the throne room. Babysitting's touch, huh?" Before Leon could even begin to express his thoughts, Ada ended the call, cutting him off in the process. 

Leon's frustration grew as he tried unsuccessfully to get Ada's attention. "Hey! Ada? Ada!" he called out before finally receiving a response. "Perfect," he muttered under his breath as he let out a small, irritated click of the tongue. "She's getting a kick out of annoying you. Don't let her get under your skin," [Y/n]'s voice chimed in. "C'mon, let's go," [Y/n] said, and she stepped out of the cell, with Leon following closely behind her. "Do you think we explored all the other rooms?" she asked, curiously scanning the Grand Hall. Leon shrugged, his eyes darting around for any signs of danger. "I'm not sure, but we should proceed with caution," he replied, gripping his pistol tightly. They pressed forward, weapons at the ready, and soon found themselves in an ornate tram system with golden details gleaming in the dimly lit hallway. "Should we?" [Y/n] pondered, her gaze fixed on the inviting tram. "I don't see why not," Leon replied, his gaze fixated on the tracks that disappeared into the darkness. "It could lead us to more rooms or even an exit," he suggested, his voice filled with hope. With a shared sense of determination, they boarded the tram.

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