Ashley Graham | 010 |

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──❝Ashley Graham❞──


Having endured a long and arduous journey, Leon and [Y/n] finally arrived at the Church's Gate. [Y/n] reached into her pouch, unzipped it, and retrieved the Church Insignia Key, holding it tightly in her grasp. "This is it..." She deftly inserted the circle key into the lock and turned it, hearing a satisfying click as the gate slowly creaked open. The duo cautiously stepped through the opening, their eyes scanning the area as they emerged from the darkness of the forest and into the bright sunlight of the church grounds. The church was in disarray, with broken stained glass windows and overturned pews. As they made their way inside, they noticed a strange energy in the air, causing their hair to stand on end. It was as if the very walls themselves were alive with a malevolent presence. "Ashley Graham?! We're here to help!" 

"Man, this place is creepy. I can't shake off this feeling that we're being watched. Maybe it's the dim lighting or the eerie silence. Let's get Ashley and get out of here." [Y/n] and Leon tiptoed through the dark church, their eyes darting around the shadowy corners as they tried to make their way through the building. The creaking of the floorboards beneath their feet seemed to echo through the cavernous space, adding to the feeling of unease that hung heavy in the air. There was a sense of stillness in the air, as if the building itself was holding its breath. Despite their caution, they could feel the weight of the building's history pressing down on them, making it difficult to breathe. As they explored the church, it became clear that there were no signs of any villagers nearby. "Clear," Leon declared, lowering his pistol and holstering it with purposeful resolve. The metallic click of the gun sliding into its holster reverberated as he securely fastened it in place. However, he maintained his vigilance. As they turned a corner, they heard a faint thud coming from one of the rooms upstairs. "It might be Ashley." They quickened their pace toward the room, hoping to find Ashley safe and sound. 

With a deep breath, [Y/n] stepped into the confined space, her voice echoing off the walls as she called out, "Ashley Graham, are you in here?" Suddenly, a candlestick swung towards her in a violent arc. Before the blow could land, Leon sprang into action, deftly grabbing the candlestick in a swift motion and holding Ashley back. "Easy there, partner." Despite his efforts to calm her down, Ashley aggressively yanked the candlestick from Leon's grip and held it up defensively. "Just let me go," she begged. "Listen." Ashley interrupted Leon, swinging the candlestick wildly in a desperate attempt to defend herself. Leon successfully disarmed her, effortlessly discarding the candlestick. 

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