[taehyun] • speak now

468 15 13

a/n: I promise I love you guys 😂


Why was it so hard to admit feelings?

That was a question Taehyun asked himself every day. He's been wanting to tell you how he feels about you but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

He's completely enamored by you. To him, you just swelled with elegance, kindness, and knowledge. You were a fellow intellect, someone who spoke their mind and knew so much about the little bits of the world.

You always had his back. You weren't just someone who he had to rely on, you were so much more.

It's been five years since you started working for him, and the longer the two of you worked together, the closer the two of you got.

You were all he had sometimes. There were moments wherein he couldn't exactly run to his members and when that happens, he comes running to you. You work as his secretary, someone who arranged his documents and schedules.

And for a long time, that was all you were to him—his secretary.

Until he started feeling nervous around you and his heart would just beat so loud it felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. He didn't know where exactly that feeling began, all of a sudden it was just there.

Taehyun was the type of person to think about how he felt. He reflects on what exactly it is that makes him feel a certain way. He wanted to know what he was feeling because he knew that he only ever got that feeling with you.

At that moment, you came striding along to the lounge of the company.

"I've planned out your schedule, tell me if there are any adjustments I should make." You said to him as you handed him the tablet where the said schedules were.

Taehyun looked through the schedule and even he was amazed at the detailing of everything. "Gym? I didn't tell you that." He said to you, surprised that you even knew about it.

"I've been working for you for five years. Let's just say you follow patterns that you might be very unaware of." You replied with a playful smile.

Taehyun laughed lightly, this was something so common. Sometimes, you knew more about him than he even knew about himself. And frankly, that makes him feel comfortable with you.

"Oh, by the way. Since you have morning practices, I made you a light meal. Please eat it, because I didn't add calling an ambulance to the schedule and we all know what happened the first time you skipped breakfast on a practice morning." You said reminded him.

"Yes, I will. Thank you, Y/n." He could only reply. He knew that if he were to say anything more, you would make sure that he ate. And besides, he knew you were right; things didn't go so well the last time that he skipped a meal.

"Okay, good. If you need anything else just let me know. I'll have to check on your other schedules for now." You said to him as you continued browsing through your document then eventually taking a phone call as you walked away.

While watching you disappear into a corner-turn, Taehyun couldn't help but chuckle. He knew he wasn't the type of person who particularly enjoyed being told off, but when it comes to you, it was fine.

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