[huening kai] • emails and letters

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Shut. Up.

He did not read it. Or did he? HE SHOULDN'T.

Technology is both a godsend and a curse. When you post something or send someone something, you'll never be able to get rid of it. Simply, it will stay online forever.

Now, about your situation. You had gotten a bit too drunk the previous night. It was a night to celebrate TXT winning a music show award. You took advantage of such an occasion to drink as much as you can.

You would think you'd be passed out by the time you got home, but apparently, you still had the energy to write up the longest most authentic love letter filled with words you were never able to tell Huening Kai.

It's kind of awkward considering that you worked with him, but that's not anything that you thought about as you typed up the deepest most plunging words that perfectly described your sentiments.

It would have been fine if you somehow scrapped the message after typing it, but that would be too good to be true, right? So of course, you sent this message out of the delirium of your mind.

As soon as you realized your pathetic and dumb irresponsible act, you immediately scowered through your phone, hoping to delete the message before he sees it.

You knew that he's been sleeping late these past few days, so you had just a few more minutes before he had to wake up.

You immediately deleted the email as soon as you found it, and your plan of action was just to go about the following day as though you did nothing embarrassing.


When you got to work, your head was up high. "Nothing happened. Everything is okay." Those were the words you repeated as you went to your desk to work on your agenda for the day.

Sometime within your working period, Huening arrived with Taehyun. He didn't look at you weirdly so you were quite relieved. That could only mean that you were able to delete the email before he even saw it. So you proceeded with working, and this pattern went on for several days.

However, after a week of sending and deleting that email, you were at your work desk when you received a message from Huening. You didn't think much of it because the thought of your irresponsible email was starting to slip at the back of your mind.

"Hi, are you free by 5 PM? There is just a scheduling I need to clarify." The message read. It even had those little emoticons that he always uses when he sends messages. He really is so cute and genuine, and you loved that about him.

The message was quite straightforward and frankly, you were also planning to talk to him about his schedule because he was invited as a guest emcee and you wanted to discuss with him how that would affect his planned activities.

So, you quickly finished all your tasks, and by 5 PM you were ready to meet him.

You were honestly quite nervous. Though you were certain he didn't see your email, you were still quite embarrassed. You also didn't want him to think that you were some creepy fan of his, you didn't want to stress him out with such thoughts. He already had to go through so much every day, you really just want to make his life a bit easier.


Soon enough, you got to the sky lounge of the building where Huening wanted to meet up. You were fidgety as you looked for him. It didn't take long before you saw his all-too-familiar hair and his lone demeanor.

"Hi," You greeted him. "Y/n! Hi.." He greeted you back. "Have a seat, oh, and I got you this." He said as he raised a cup of matcha latte and gave it to you.

"Oh, thank you. What is this for?" You asked him. "Well, I wasn't able to thank you properly for helping us with the music show last time." He replied.

"Ah that, it was nothing really. It's your professionalism that carried it all the way through." You responded.

He just smiled in reply.

"Anyway, for your schedule, I was wondering if you wanted me to move a few activities since the emceeing will take up most of your afternoon." You asked as you took out your phone.

"It should be fine. I think I only have two minor schedules in the evening anyway." He replied.

"Okay, let me just finalize that. If there are any changes, I'll inform you as early as possible." You said to him.

"By the way, Y/n. Outside of work, are you free on Friday?" He asked you, waiting patiently for an answer.

"Hmm, I'm sure I have free hours. Why?" You asked him.

"I wanted to invite you for dinner. I'll be alone at the dorms because the members have their individual plans. I was wondering if you maybe want to have dinner with me." He asked quite shyly.

"Uh, I mean I-uh. I don't mind, but may I ask why you're asking me that?" You replied a bit perplexed and somehow interested.

"Other than the managers, you're the only one I really talk to within the team. So when dinner came to mind, you were the first person I thought to invite." He explained.

You just gave him a nod. Still a bit confused, but you were not going to reject such an offer. Huening Kai just invited you for dinner, there was no way you were going to say no.

"Well, sure. If you insist." You smiled calmly, but that was definitely not how you were feeling. You were at the farthest point from calm.

"Great! I'll call you. Feel free to bring snacks too if you'd like." He said to you.

"Ooooh, okie, I might have some ideas." You replied. The excitement shows a bit through your choice of words.

At that point, you checked the time and unfortunately, you had somewhere to be in a few minutes.

"Well, if we've settled all work-related things... and non-work-related things, I'll have to go now." You said to him.

You could have sworn he looked down for a second, but that's not something you needed to think about.

"Alright, I'll see you on Friday." He said.

"See you, Huening." You replied. You skipped a little bit as you walked to the elevator, then you remembered that Huening could still see you.

Right then, Taehyun walked up to Huening. He was there the whole time because Kai came with him. "Why didn't you tell her about the email?" He asked.

Hyuka was silent for a bit, but then he smiled. "I don't want her to be embarrassed, especially when it seems like she's starting to forget about it." He continued. He then smiled as he watched you disappear from his sight.

"Anyway, it was an insightful email. It really lit my day up." He continued explaining.

"Well, whatever you say. I hope your dinner goes well." Taehyun said to him.

"I hope so too. I may not be able to respond to her email, but I like her too." He explained still with a soft smile on his face.

You were inside the elevator drinking the matcha latte Hyuka got you. Not once have you ever told him that you liked matcha lattes, but you were too excited to notice such a detail. You were just happy that you'd be able to spend some time with Hyuka.

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