[yeonjun] • special day

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It was a filming day for the whole group, and it was also Yeonjun's birthday.

You had a small surprise for him and you knew how happy it would make him.

You had greeted him earlier in the day, but you wanted to do so physically. So you baked him a cake and decided to bring it to him on his shoot. This was something you had prepared with the members and the staff. They all agreed as they knew how happy it would make Yeonjun.


On his side of the story, he went with the day as planned. He followed through with his schedule and was his usual bubbly self. He was happy, especially as everyone had greeted him that day. But when the cameras weren't rolling, he looked rather desolate.

It was one of the first times he questioned his job. He loved being an idol. He loved dancing, but he also wanted to spend his special day with someone he loves. Yes, he does love his members and they have never failed to give him that love back, but with you, it's different.

The way he looks at you is different. The way he speaks to you is with sparks, and the way he treats you is not like the way he treats his friends. He was a different type of happy when he was next to you, and for his birthday, all he wanted was a moment of togetherness with you.

When the cameras started rolling, it was then that the surprise was to happen.

Yeonjun along with members were having their dinner when the staff handed him a laptop. It was your video message to him as 'you couldn't see him for that day'

In the video, you expressed how much you loved him. You compared him to the flow of the sea and the way it always made you feel comfortable just as he did. You said simple things that mean more to him than anyone else who would hear it. Your video was one full of memories and messages that only you and Yeonjun know about.

From that video alone, his lips curled into a smile and there were silent tears in his eyes. The members looked at each other in satisfaction. They were happy to see that Yeonjun was seeing something that can make him happy on his special day.

But more than that video, there was something else that piqued his attention.

"Ya, Choi Yeonjun." You called out from beside one of the staff members.

Yeonjun's teary eyes widened as he was quite confused. He looked for your voice immediately as if it was something he'd been longing for centuries.

Then he saw you, and your eyes met with his. Seeing his eyes glimmering with the reflection of the lights incited something magical. You were so happy to see him, but that would never compare to the fire that burned inside him when he saw you. It was that strong pull that made him want to cry the deepest tears that could ever come from within. Something about seeing you standing there, approaching him when he needed you the most spoke all the words he ever needed to hear.

"Happy Birthday, Yeonjun-nah." You said to him as you put the cake in front of him. He kept looking you in the eyes as a tear fell out of his sockets. His ears were so red and so were his cheeks. He had really been waiting for this one moment, and now that it was standing in front of him, he couldn't be happier.

"Wha—What is this?" He opened his mouth to ask. He would even constantly turn his head in confusion. Then he would look back at you but try to hide his tears. "I thought you wouldn't be able to come." He said to you with a soft and shaky voice.

You smiled at him. "Come on. I would never miss your birthday." You told him as you inched the cake closer to him.

"I know it sounds cheesy, but make a good wish." You told him with a smile.  Only Yeonjun would know that wish for a while, but it did make you curious. He seemed so happy as he closed his eyes and asked for whatever his heart desired.

Once he opened his eyes, he blew out the candle and gently took the cake from you. He placed it on the table and looked at you with the light reflecting his eyes. He then held you by the waist and pulled you closer to him. You were flustered but that soon turned into a light smile as you saw him crying. He rested his head on your waist and cried silently.

"Does my presence make you cry?" You asked him to try and lift his mood.

"No." He said as he lifted his head and shook it. "I'm really happy. I'm so happy that my tears won't stop." He continued, resting his face on your waist once more.

His members laughed lightly. The moment was warm and they were glad to see that Yeonjun was finally brighter now that he was with you. It was ironic, isn't it? He's crying yet he's at his happiest at this very moment.

For a while, the members and the staff left you with Yeonjun. They thought that it would be best to let his tears fall while you were the one around him.

Once he stopped crying, the both of you went out in an open area just to have a few moments of peace before Yeonjun had to finish his schedule.

"Did you know what I ended up wishing for?" He looked at you intently as he asked.

You turned to him, "What did you wish for?" You asked him, leaning near him as you waited for an answer.

"I wished that every day would be like this one. That I'd get to see you this way. That you're happy, and that you're right beside me. It's all I ever need." He said to you.

You chuckled lightly with a touched heart. "I love you a lot, Choi Yeonjun." You said to him.

He smiled warmly at you and lightly patted your head. "I love you a lot more. Thank you for every day." He continued.

He caressed your hand and looked at you lovingly.

It was his day, and you were certain that you were at least able to make his day a bit more special. However, he would never how special this small moment was for you as well.

His little actions toward you continuously made your heart flutter. The way he pulls you close and holds you warmly. The way he smiles and always thinks of you wherever he may be.

It's his little actions that made moments special. And this moment, as special as it was for him, was something you will always cherish.


Happy Birthday,  Choi Yeonjun! He's the best hyung out there. He works hard always and he cares deeply for his members. I hope he knows how much we love him and appreciate everything he does.

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