[beomgyu] • jacket

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Beomgyu was in his hometown for a break. One of the things he enjoyed was that it was rather silent where he resided. Though many people knew him in Daegu, he was happy there because everyone treated him like a normal person.

He liked that separation from his life as an idol to just being him, Choi Beomgyu.

That was the reason why he was particularly upset and panicked when a group of people started following him around at night.

He was out in a convenience store just looking to buy some snacks for himself. That was until a group of girls called his name and never stopped following him since.

Anxiety hit him, especially as he just wanted a regular night to enjoy everything that he had purchased. He couldn't go home, because he didn't want his address to be leaked and have his family be bothered by these people. So he just went around town, waiting until he would eventually lose these people that were following him.

That was when you came around. You were walking the same street that he was walking. However, the street was rather confusing and it had many areas wherein one can hide.

Like him, you were just looking for a normal night. You wanted to walk alone without any distractions and noise. So upon seeing girls screaming maniacally, you were upset and decided to check on the situation.

You saw girls that were running around, following a regular-looking guy in casual clothing.

Since the guy was approaching from the opposite direction you were coming from, you saw his face. He looked very panicked and anxious. He was running quickly.

You could only assume that he was running away from those loud people that were following him.

That being said, you waited for the perfect time and pulled him into a corner. Since the street was empty but very crowded in terms of walls, posts, and cars, there were many places to hide.

"Quiet." You told him as you kept watch of the girls who were now looking intently for him.

He was just staring at you, and he had multiple reasons to be doing so. For one, he was wondering who you were, and second, you were in very close proximity. When the girls were gone, you immediately looked at him. You tried to think of a way to be able to help in a better way.

You were wearing a huge hoodie at that time, while he wore a jacket, so the first thing that came to mind was to exchange.

"Take off your jacket." You said to him. He looked at you weirdly, and you thought that he was thinking you were some type of pervert.

"I mean no malice in this. Do you want to get home?" You hurriedly asked him. He nodded a bit hesitantly as he slid off his jacket. You looked away in any case that you were making him uncomfortable. You were wearing a shirt underneath so you didn't have many problems with removing your hoodie, when you did you passed it to him.

"Are you done putting it on?" You asked as you were also in a rush.

"I'm done." He simply replied. Perhaps he had found you quite trustworthy. Not everyone would just follow a stranger's instructions, especially at night time.

"Okay, give me your jacket." You told him. He passed his jacket to you, waiting for you to continue talking after. "So, here's the plan. I'll go out first, and I'll pretend like I'm you. After the people go away, go to wherever you're heading and just stay calm. If you look panicked they're going to be suspicious of you and probably follow you around." You told him.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked you out of curiosity.

"Because I wanted a silent night, but those screaming girls have already ruined it. Might as well make sure that they won't ruin it anymore." You explained with a bitter demeanor.

"Ah. In any case, thank you." He said to you.

"My name is Choi Beomgyu." He then introduced himself. From the way the girls were following him, you assumed that he was someone famous, but you truly have never heard of him.

"Mine's Y/n. Anyway, I'll go now. In the pocket of that hoodie, there is a small piece of paper. It has my number on it. I put it there in case of emergency. Just call me sometime and I'll return your jacket." You told him.

He nodded quickly as a response to you and after that, you walked out of hiding, trying to get the girls' attention from the stranger you now knew as Beomgyu.

"Does she not know me?" Beomgyu asked himself as he saw you leave. He then smirked to himself. "Cool."

When you were nowhere in sight and the people following him were also nowhere in sight, Beomgyu took his path home and he was able to go home safely.

Upon arriving, he felt for the piece of paper that you mentioned to him. He saw your number and saved it on his phone with the ID, "Hoodie."

It was safe to say, your kind gesture caught his attention.

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