[soobin] - co-workers

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That's all you were, right? Co-workers.

An astounding chemistry on stage, as well as a close relationship off the job, sometimes made you wonder if co-workers are all you'd ever be with Soobin.

You like him a lot, but you don't know if he likes you back. You're at the point where you cherish his presence so much that you wouldn't want to lose him because of an untimely confession.

But sometimes, you get mixed signals as if he feels the same way about you as how you feel for him. The feeling would eat you up when you're alone, but you always kept your calm around him.

He was nice, sweet, funny, and even if he would prefer being home rather than going out, being with him at night and just walking around the city channels a warming feeling within you.

During the shows that you would host together when you'd be asked to wear clothes that don't necessarily fit the weather, he'd always be the one to offer you a jacket. He'd always notice the little things that you do, even if you're just silent and slightly shaking in one corner.

You two get shipped a lot by the fans, and it seems so wrong to you, but for once, you wished that they were right and true.

But until the moment comes that one of you begins to speak and show some color, you will just keep your mouth closed. You knew that losing him would hurt more than the chance of him never knowing how much you loved him.

Co-workers are what you two are.

And co-workers is what you two will remain as.

Friends may be the closest stretch.

And friends may be the peak of your relationship.

It's everything you want but not completely, however, it's better to have a slice of the cake than to have none of it at all.

It's better to see him shining so brightly beside you as your friend than to see him turning away from you never to speak to you and look at you, the way he always did.

If co-workers and friends are all you two would ever be, then it's good enough than to not be with him at all.

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