[huening kai] • blind date

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Was it your first time getting stood up? No.

That was why you were on your way out of the arcade after ten minutes of waiting. However, before you left, you saw a claw machine and the prizes inside caught your attention.

You've always been an enjoyer of cute things. So much so that you were quite competitive with them.

Seeing as though your date still wasn't around, you decided to just play a few rounds.

Well, those few rounds might have turned into a lot of rounds, but no matter what you did, you just couldn't get a prize.

It was at that moment that you realized, you should probably just leave. That was also considering that despite how long you were there, your date still wasn't around.

As you turned away from the machine, you bumped into a tall figure. You looked at him and for a moment, your world seemed to have quelled. He had beautiful eyes, and he looked breathtakingly captivating.

At the moment that you looked at him, he was looking at the claw machine. "Do you want that stuffed toy?" He asked with a very delicate tone as he pointed to the claw machine prize.

That was not the first thing that you thought you would hear from him, but you answered. "Yeah. Just a little bit." You responded just to make some small talk.

"Hmm. Okay." He simply replied.

He then walked closer to the claw machine and put in a coin. He started playing and positioning the claw, and with one attempt, he was already able to cling onto a plushie and get it to drop.

You were quite impressed. You didn't think someone would be able to do it so quickly right before your eyes, especially as you had just struggled to do it yourself.

From the side, you watched as his lips curved into a smile. You assumed that he was smiling because he got the plushie.

Upon taking the toy out of the compartment, he then gave it to you. "Here you go." He said to you with a bright gleam.

Your mouth was slightly agape in confusion. "Wait. Seriously?" You asked him, feeling a slight bit of shame to just take the plushie.

"Yes. Take it. I got it for you anyway." He replied to you, still reaching the plushie to your hand.

Oh, you were itching to get that plushie. So even if it was quite shameless on your part, you gently took the plushie and admired how adorable it was.

"T-thank you...." You spoke as you looked at the plushie. "It's so cute!" You exclaimed.

"I have been trying so hard to get it. I think I've spent too much on this machine already." You explained.

"I know." He laughed slightly. "I actually saw your countless attempts and it was quite entertaining." He continued.

You looked at him, your joyful expression, turning into a slight embarrassment.

"What?" You simply questioned.

"You were even going like this with your face. It was quite interesting to watch." He remarked as he copied your past expressions while using the claw machine.

You then looked at your plushie and started to poke at it gently. "All your fault." You softly muttered. But when you poked at it, you felt bad and started to softly say, "I'm sorry."

And he was just giggling kindly at the sight of you.

As you realized that he was looking at you, all your movements and expressions stopped.

"I'm sorry. I'm acting like a child, aren't I?" You asked him with an ashamed demeanor.

He looked confused about your question. "And what's so wrong about that?" He asked.

"I don't know. It's just that people around me always look at me weirdly when I get act this way. They say I should start acting like my age." You laughed as you explained. "Believe me, I try to control it, but sometimes it just comes out." At that moment, you were still trying to defend yourself.

"Well, just don't control it." He said. You looked at him with an intrigued expression as he spoke. "There's nothing wrong with enjoying things that many say are for kids. The things you enjoy don't have to be linked with the concept of maturity. A person can be mature even if they enjoy stuffed toys and plushies." He said to you, and that made you smile.

That was the first time you heard that from anyone. It really did comfort you.

"So just be you. If you love plushies and stuffed toys, continue loving them. No one should dictate what you should and should not love, especially if you're not hurting anyone in the process, right?" He spoke once more.

You caught yourself at that moment. You just couldn't stop smiling.

"Okay." You laughed, looking away from him for a few seconds.

"Thank you for that." You said. You were thankful. You really needed to hear that.

"I'm Y/n, by the way." You reached out your hand as you introduced yourself.

He then smiled at you as he shook your hand. "I'm Huening Kai." He replied.

You didn't know why, but his name seemed familiar.

He also thought that your name was quite familiar.

Then you two just looked at each other until it seemed like both of you had reached a realization.

"You're my blind date!?!?" You both exclaimed at the same time.

The night was with its twists and turns, but nonetheless, it became a night that both of you won't forget.

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