[taehyun] • fate

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"If it's meant to be, we'll meet again." You said to the stranger you had spoken with through an online platform. You never saw his face, but you found joy in the simple conversations you had with him.

"If we meet again, I'm never letting you go.." He replied. You smiled with a gushed and rushed feeling. You felt your cheeks stinging as the tint of red slowly came out.

"Alright. Sure. Let's meet again." You said with a soft laugh. "Until the next time." You told him. After that, you left the chat hesitantly, mindlessly wondering if the day in which you two would meet is something that would ever come.


It was a playful afternoon. You were just bored and you had no one to talk to. In that case, you thought that the best solution to your situation was to go on some chatting website and converse with a few strangers. It's not your first time so you were familiar with how people spoke within the chat. Most of the people present are looking for partners or hookups, basically the stuff you really weren't too interested in. Their language is usually so rude, or... 'forward'

After going through several chat sequences, you were ready to close the website until you accidentally clicked, 'New Chat'. That's when you told yourself that you were going to stick around for one last chat, then you were going to leave and do your deliverables.

"Hi." You said. It was just your voice as you weren't comfortable enough to show your face. You waited for a few seconds and finally, someone replied.

"Good afternoon, Miss." His voice was like smelling fresh hazelnuts, it was smooth and warm and welcoming in ways that you couldn't understand. He had an accent, and his voice was in a sense deep. Admittedly, you were smitten by his tone alone, not to mention the words that came out of his mouth. Your heart fluttered by his respectful nature. He was immediately unlike anyone you've spoken to for the day.

"Uh–um, Good afternoon to you as well, sir." You replied, quite invested in the way that he addressed you.

"What's with the 'sir'?" He asked. You could hear the slight laughter that he had on as he spoke.

"I mean, you started it." You replied.

"That is correct, but it's just basic respect." He spoke. At that point, you were quite awed. In this day an age, you never thought you'd meet someone with such morals. He was a gentleman, and you found that quality of his quite attractive.

You laughed quite shyly. You weren't necessarily shy, you were just touched. You don't know how they got there, but butterflies were in your stomach and flying around.

"Are you laughing? Did I say something wrong?" He asked you with a hint of confusion. The way he asked wasn't so serious. You could even see or hear his light smile as he spoke. Perhaps he was just really confused, but he was also laughing along.

"No." You replied with a chuckle. "You didn't do anything wrong. Actually, you're SO FAR from doing anything wrong. I was just taken aback by how nice you are. The few people I've met on here were very much different." You explained shyly.

"Oh." He laughed shyly too. Something about the way he did it was so electrifying. Either that or you were just getting so much good vibes from him.

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