[beomgyu] • opposite ends

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You and Beomgyu didn't like each other very much. It wasn't as though one of you was mean to the other, it's just that your personalities clash.

You didn't like how loud he was, and he didn't like how quiet and cold you seem to be.

You had your reasons. It may have been hard to believe but there was a point in your life wherein you were just as loud, or more so outgoing. With every misfortune that walked briskly into your life, you treated it lightly. But then people never took you seriously. They thought you were insensitive and that you didn't care. So after a few years, here you were. You hated noise. You hated when there was no peace, although a part of you felt that it was partially because people thought differently when you were the one who was bright and sunny.

People get exhausted and you were just one of them. It was difficult to always keep your chin up, especially when people regarded you as nothing more than insensitive.


One time, you met with Beomgyu at the company elevator. He had this habit of purposely being loud because he knew that it would annoy you.

In this instance, he was laughing really loud because you two were the only ones in the elevator. You had to admit, he was a bit funny trying to get a reaction from you, but you weren't going to give him one so easily.

You just gave him a judging look then you left as the elevator doors opened.

"You're so boring, come on." He spoke in a loud voice.

You just continued and muttered a silent, "You're not wrong."

Situations like this happened frequently. With any chance that Beomgyu gets, he loved to annoy the heck out of you, and when you give him no reaction he calls you boring.

However, one of these days, you caught a glimpse of something different.

You were on the rooftop just because you wanted silence. You were going to stand before the railing just observing the world below until you ran into Beomgyu. He was rather... calm. You've caught a short glimpse of him being this way, but it seemed to be in a more drastic state today.

Upon seeing him, you were going to leave, but then he spoke or rather, asked you a question that you could somehow resonate with.

"Y/n, do you think I'm a fake? I'm always so loud, but I feel like an empty shell." To be honest, you were the type of person to say something rude if this was a regular scenario. But you knew your limits, and you knew when to be serious and mature.

You walked back to where Beomgyu was, standing beside him as he too observed the world below.

You looked at him for a bit and offered a smile that was probably rarer than anything he had ever seen.

"You're not a fake Beomgyu. Believe me." You spoke. You then looked far and beyond.

As a sigh escaped your lips, you spoke once more,

"Sometimes, being loud and bright is the only way we cope with how harsh reality could be. Sometimes when things get hard, the easiest thing to do is just to make light of it and crack a joke. Sometimes people like to be bright so that other people wouldn't be able to see through their eyes and how empty they feel." You explained with such detail and feeling. You knew where you were speaking from. After all, it wasn't a foreign space to you.

"So, no. You're not a fake Beomgyu. I believe that we shouldn't treat our coping mechanisms as something alien to us. It's a part of you. It's your voice and your response." You continued.

He looked at you intently. Perhaps a little taken aback as this is the first time he's heard you talk like this.

"You seem to know a lot about the topic." He spoke.

You smiled. "Well... I've been there before. It just didn't help me all that much." You replied.

"Hmm. Thank you, that actually meant a lot." He spoke.

"You know, sometimes you hear what you need to hear from the people you least expect it from." He continued.

"Well, as different as the two of us are from each other, I think we're more similar in ways we may not even know yet." You spoke. "But, I'm not as annoying as you are. You continued as you rolled your eyes.

He then laughed. "Good. Sometimes I purposely try to annoy you for fun. Sorry." He said.

You then laughed along with him. It was the most real laugh you've had in a while.

"Oh, I could tell." You replied.

"But hey, if it makes you feel better. I'm sure there's a part of you that doesn't really feel comfortable sharing your innermost thoughts, but if annoying me can make you feel better even just a bit, then I don't mind if you annoy me." You continued.

He then smiled. "Well, it would be my pleasure." He spoke.

Then the two of you laughed together.

"Anyways, I'll go now. I've spoken way too much than my usual talking quota." You said to him.

"Alright. I'll see you around." He said.

You then started to walk away.

You stopped in your tracks as you heard Beomgyu call your name.

"Yes?" You turned to face him.

"Thank you. Really." He said to you. Somehow, you could feel how genuine it was even if there was a bit of distance between the two of you.

You just smiled and then you continued walking away.

Since then, you've garnered a new perspective on Beomgyu. And perhaps, you didn't dislike each other as much as you thought you did.

The two of you could understand each other when no one else could. And that rooftop became a more common meeting place for the two of you than you initially thought upon your first encounter.

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