[huening kai] • passions

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The movement of your arms wrote musical pieces for the masses. You were a musical genius who everyone knew and loved. The way you played your violin created a utopia for the people who heard it. Everything was perfect. It was just you and your violin, and nothing else.

But then, you got into a messy accident. And suddenly you lost the one thing that you loved. You couldn't play for a while, and slowly, people lost interest and hope that you could ever play again.

But you could, because you tried and tried until you were finally able to keep a note and eventually play a piece.

You had to go through a lengthy process of therapy, and even as you finished it, playing the violin was like stepping on your very own arm.

It was painful, but you loved playing so much that slowly, it went away. Either that or you've just learned how to sit with the pain.

That was your life for a while. You were trying hard to rebuild your reputation as a violinist. It wasn't easy at all. There were a lot of sleepless nights that you had to go through to be invited back into recitals and orchestras.

But even then, you weren't at the height that you were at before.

So you started posting videos, and that was able to boost your capabilities for countless people and companies to see.

You started getting calls, and more specifically, you received a request from a big entertainment company.

It was Hybe. They had seen your performance, called you, and even sent an email about how they were interested to collaborate with you.

Away from the classical music that you enjoyed, Hybe was one of those companies that you've always looked out for as they produced music that was fitting to your style.

Whatever group it may be, there was always a few songs that would stick to your heart. So when you saw the request for you to come, you immediately checked if the information is credible, then you sent a reply saying that they can expect you to come.

For that night, you had practiced yet again.

At this point, the pain was barely there. All that was left was your passion for playing the violin.
You played it with might and love. It always felt as though you were entering a portal into another universe just by running your bow through the strings of your violin.

All that joy that you were feeling as you received the offer—you poured it all into a musical piece that may or may not have awoken your neighbors.

You were too happy to even care. It was irresponsible, but just for the day, you wanted to express your happiness in volume without any limits.

When the day soon came for you to meet with the company, they were very welcoming to you and treated you as though you were some type of  VIP.

They thoroughly explained to you how the program would go and then went on to ask you if you agreed with the terms and flow of the program.

The short answer is that you did. The whole program was just like doing a recital, it's just that in this instance, you would be on the stage with the members of Tomorrow by Together.

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