[yeonjun] • cafe encounters

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wondrous things can happen in a small cafe in the middle of an unknown province. you never know what you can experience, you never know who you can meet.

A late night shift was the one you were working. And that being the case, you didn't expect anything to come out of it. In the province where you were, people don't show up all that much. Sure there would be one or two groups of customers that would come every now and then, but within a certain time, they'd leave.

The cafe is usually empty by 2 AM, but today turned out to be a little different. At this time, you'd be quite exhausted. You would lay your head on the free counter where there are no items placed. Though it's still your shift, it was your moment of silence. Your small moment of freedom.

However, not even a few minutes into resting your head, you heard the bells hanging from the entrance door chime. Quickly, you lifted your sleepy head and stepped into the main area to tend to the customer who just arrived.

He was dressed in a puffy black jacket, with some black joggers and he was wearing a white face mask. He looked quite stylish, though that might just be because he exuded a very confident aura.

As he approached the counter, you smiled and asked him, "Hi, what can I get you?" He didn't answer you immediately as he browsed the menu to find if what he was looking for was there.

His eyes stopped on a particular item, then he looked back at you. His eyes were smiling, well it looked like it. Though his eyes were tired, they lifted as if he was smiling at you as he said, "I would like an Iced Americano please."

"Alright, that would be 4,000 won." You processed his order and told him. He immediately brought out his wallet and paid you.

"Thank you so much!" You smiled brightly as you received his payment.

"I can just bring you your coffee once it's ready. Feel free to have a seat while waiting." You spoke to him once again.

"It's fine." He replied with a chuckle. "I'll just wait for my coffee here."

"Oh, alright." You smiled at him once again as you went to prepare his coffee.

"I have a question." He spoke as you were preparing the ingredients you needed.

"Yes?" You looked into his eyes, waiting for his question. He seemed to be quite taken aback as you looked at him. He didn't say anything, he just kept looking at you.

"S-sir?" You studied his eyes more as you tried to call for his attention.

"Oh—sorry. I got distracted for a moment." He spoke with a light tone, then proceeded to laugh out of slight embarrassment.

"Uhm... But I was going to ask, is your coffee shop open all day?" He asked, still with that light tone. You could hear that slight laughter in his voice. Honestly, you found his voice quite nice. It was soft, with a bit of nasality.

"Why? Are you looking to come back here soon?" Upon allowing those words to leave your mouth, you immediately want to smack yourself in the head. You asked yourself why the heck you would ask that when it's none of your business. You furrowed your eyebrows in disappointment with what you just said.

He looked quite taken aback, but as his eyes were hardly open, it would seem as though he was laughing.

"Please ignore what I just said. It's quite late and I guess I'm out of my mind." You smiled, trying your best to explain yourself.

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