[taehyun] • late night walks

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You got a new job at a popular entertainment company, and it comes with a lot of struggles. Mostly, you didn't really mind them because they were still things that you could handle.

However, there were also concerns outside of the job itself. One of them would be walking home alone. Ever since you were a child, your parents had always warned you against walking home. And they had reasons to do that, it's quite dangerous, especially at the night.

That was why ever since you were so young, you disliked walking alone but of course, as a grown adult, it's been something that you had to do.

Now that you're planning to go home, you thought you should just take a cab, but then the chances of a cab coming are slim. The best option for you was really to just walk after all your house isn't too far away.

As you were preparing to walk home, you hear a rush of footsteps behind you.

"Y/n, wait up!" It was a familiar voice. Of course, it was. You hear that voice every single day even when he isn't physically present.

"Taehyun, what are you doing here?" You asked as he was within your sight.

"I waited for you, and almost missed you apparently." He replied.

"What? Why?" You asked him with much confusion.

"Because you said you weren't comfortable walking home alone." He sternly replied. He didn't even try to hide it.

"Oh, well. You didn't have to wait for me though." You replied to him, quite grateful but still confused.

"I wanted to though. So let's go." He replied to you.

"Anyway, the dorms are quite close to where you live so it won't be that far of a walk for me." He explained.

You had to admit, it was quite convenient. But still, you weren't expecting him to wait at such a late hour.

"Oh, okay. Are you sure you don't mind?" You asked once more.

"Well, I wouldn't be waiting if I did, don't you think?" He replied to you.

You just chuckled and nodded. That was exactly how you expected he would reply.

"Truth. Let's go then." You smiled as you spoke to him.

Everything did feel more comfortable having someone to walk the streets with. It felt safe when it didn't most of the time.

"By the way, I never get the chance to say it when we're at work, but I love the way you transform music," Taehyun says all of a sudden.

You smiled subtly to yourself, "Well, music is a process, which means you have yourself to thank for transforming music too. I think as a producer, the job gets more fun when you have something beautiful to work with, and I'm lucky to have that." You replied.

There was silence for a while, but as Taehyun walked beside you, he had a smile on his face.

"It's funny, we've been working together for a while, but I don't we talk to each other a lot." You said.

"That's true. Perhaps it's because we're always busy and there are just so many things to look out for." He replied thoughtfully.

"Well, I think we should talk more. This is strangely comforting." You spoke.

"I agree. I think not only on a musical level but in general, we share a lot of similarities. Even in the little moments, we talk during our work hours, I enjoy it. Those little conversations make the day better for me." He replied.

You looked at him fondly and smiled at him.

"You know, Taehyun. Thank you for walking with me. It wouldn't be this comfortable if I were alone." You spoke.

"It's all good. It's convenient for me too, so why not hit two birds with one stone? Though I don't like that saying too much, it sounds wrong." He said.

You then laughed softly. "Now that you say that, why did they have to hit birds?" You then asked. Then the both of you burst into soft peels of laughter.

It was such a random conversation between you two and you didn't even notice that you had arrived at your home.

"Well, we're here. Taehyun, I really appreciate this. Thank you." You told him.

"Not a problem. Let's walk home together again sometime." He said. "I had fun."

You smiled at him then you went inside.

Taehyun on the other hand walked back to the dorms.

It was a quick walk and upon coming back, Soobin was waiting for him.

"Ah, so you did overhear her talking the other day." He said as soon as Taehyun opened the door.

Taehyun flinched a bit as he wasn't expecting Soobin to be waiting.

"How did you—"

"I could actually see the two of you out the window. You were even smiling as you walked back here." Soobin explained.

"Okay, listen. I just wanted her to feel safe because she expressed that walking alone at night is not something she's comfortable doing. It's so simple to walk her home, and like what I told her, it's pretty convenient for me as well." Taehyun explained

"Mhmm, okay..." Soobin said as he walked away.

But, he never stopped pestering Taehyun about it, especially as more nights of Taehyun walking you home came.

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