[taehyun] • calculator

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No one ever seemed to catch Taehyun's attention, but somehow, something a little out of the ordinary managed to seep itself into his mind.

While being out in public, just going around places because it was his day off, he went to visit a friend of his in a condominium nearby.

While waiting in line for an elevator, he was only there with one other person.


You were aware of his presence, but that was about it. You had just taken a Math exam and you were not sure about the answers that you put down. It was the last Math test you would have for college, so it was really important to you. That is the reason why you kept on recomputing your answers in your calculator.

You were so focused too. You looked so adamant as you clicked the buttons and thought about what you had written down on your paper.

At that moment, Taehyun was looking at you. He was so used to seeing people holding phones when they were waiting for an elevator. It would be that or books. But he never expected to see someone so focused on pressing the tiny buttons on their calculator.

Even when the elevator came, you just watched as Taehyun got in, then you followed along. Once you were in, you went back to solving for another item on your test. You didn't even register that it was the Kang Taehyun that you were in the elevator with.

"Uhm, what floor are you going to?" The voice beside you asked. You then lifted your head as you realized that you haven't pressed the button on your floor yet.

"Oh, it's the 14th." You replied. He then pressed the button for the 14th floor, and then the 17th floor. "Thank you." You softly said.

You then went back to calculate your answers. Granted, if you only saw and realized who it was you were with, you might have forgotten about how you had just taken your math test, but you didn't. The elevator opened for the 14th floor and you were out of there without ever knowing how curious Kang Taehyun was about you as you kept your focus on your calculator.

When Taehyun got to his friend's unit. He was a little distracted. He was smiling a lot, and his friend looked at him weirdly for it. When asked about the reason why he was so happy and in his own world, he simply answered, "I saw a calculator."

As he said those words, his friend smiled. "Ah. the resident from the 14th floor?" His friend asked. Taehyun looked at his friend with confusion.

"How did you know what?"

"They're known around the building. They're very smart and hence how you called them, they always have their calculator with them." His friend described.

"Their name is Y/n. Why not strike up a conversation if you ever see them again? They're extremely friendly." His friend continued.

Taehyun took in all of this information with a straight face, but he was bound to never forget your name.

When he left his friend's house, all he wished for is that when he came back to visit once again, he'd be able to meet you and strike up a conversation with you.

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