Chapter 23

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Marquise slowly began to feel his body reforming. He tried to stretch out a bit, but it felt like someone was holding his legs...


"Hey there, love." 


Nuzzling against something cool, Marquise opened and closed his mouth a little a few times, then blinked open his eye. 

Ah, he's carrying me. 

Now that he was more awake, he could also feel his legs slightly wrapped around the man's midsection and his hand...

Under my naked ass. 

Said hand flexed slightly, though it felt like more of a flinch, as Vrasje continued to walk, making Marquise realize that he'd likely heard his thought. 

"I'm sorry, it honestly wasn't intentional. I was spending time with Garlic when he got tired and wanted to be carried. I've been walking around with him in the back garden for nearly an hour," Vrasje said, making Marquise's eye widen as he finally leaned back enough to look around. 

We're... outside. 

And more importantly, he was naked outside. 

"Don't worry, I told all of my servants to find things to do inside, and the hedges are all plenty high. Just in case, however, I also put up a barrier." 

He was a bit surprised. 

"Would you like to go back inside and get dressed?" Vrasje asked as he slowed to a stop near a large fountain.  

Marquise was about to answer yes, when he noticed his refection in the faintly rippling water. 

"Can you set me down, please?" 

Vrasje did so immediately, carefully helping him down until he was steady on his feet. He then stepped back, but remained just close enough in case he was needed. 

Marquise carefully walked up to the fountain and looked down into the water. 

It's a little dirty...

"I'll have them clean it tomorrow," Vrsaje said, reading his thoughts again. 

Marquise tilted his head one way, then the other as he considered what he wanted to do. He felt that same strange sensation in the depths of his body that he'd had when he was messing with Vrasje earlier. 

My leg still isn't that great, but maybe...

Reaching for that strange feeling, Marquise felt his blood suddenly pump through his system at twice its normal speed! 

An excited grin slid onto his face as he felt a strange kind of strength surge through him. Without hesitating, he leaped up onto the ledge of the fountain. He immediately winced as he felt his leg spasm from the strain of the abrupt action, but it soon faded into a dull ache as he slowly stood up. 

Not bad. 

Flexing his left hand, he felt a perfect response. Hell, better than perfect. Focusing, he watched as his fingers began to blur before his eyes. 

He'd been so caught up in all of his problems that he hadn't really thought about exploring his new vampiric side much. 

Turning his attention to his other hand, he tried to flex his fingers and tensed. 


Undeterred, he focused on moving his darkened fingers slowly inward, then outward. It hurt for the first minute, but then it began to change again. A dull ache took over as he excitedly lifted his hand up toward the rising sun. 

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