Chapter 15

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The playing didn't exactly happen. Neither did his little nap, either. Vrasje had just-barely stepped outside into the cool evening air when they both sensed something to their left. 


They were dressed in pretty nice clothing, too. 

"Elder Vrasje," the taller man said as he walked up to him cautiously. 

Marquise watched through Garlic's eye as the man moved, catching that he was quite nervous about approaching them. There was evidently good reason to be wary, too, because Vrasje snarled before the man even got within ten feet of him. 

"My apologies, my lord, b-but as the working magistrate and his assistant, we had to come investigate once we got several strange reports..." 

Vrasje didn't seem surprised, and after a few moments of holding Garlic tightly against him, he relaxed enough to retract his fangs. 

"You have confirmed that the reports are true," he finally said, making the man across the yard from him quickly nod his agreement. 

"Except, you have also trespassed on my land and, for some reason, were unable to simply knock on my front door like a civilized vampire," Vrasje added, making both men flinch. 

"I apologize for our poor choice of addressing this situation. We just..." the man looked over his shoulder, finally making the other hesitantly step forward. 

"We didn't think that you'd ever bring a live one back." 

Marquise felt his wolf react by snuggling in closer against Vrasje's bare chest and giving a pathetic whine. That near-silent sound seemed to trigger him more than Marquise had ever managed to. 

"This wolf belongs to my heir! Taru chose him and changed him, and we will be registering him shortly," he said assuredly. 

Both vampires looked like they were about to faint from shock, but they managed to pull themselves back together at the last moment and give a few coughs behind their hands to try and brush away the awkward tension. 

"Ah, so that is how it is," the magistrate said with a nod, though he still looked rather disgruntled about the situation. 

"Well, um... what made lord Taru consider changing a werewolf, if I may ask?" the man inquired as he looked his wolf over with a slight bit of curiosity. 

Vrasje managed to calm down again and actually moved to set Garlic on the ground, but his wolf was having none of that. Before its front paws could even touch the ground it was pushing back up with its hind ones, trying to keep from being abandoned!

You're a damn drama queen. He's not going to pick you back up just bec—and he picked him right back up. Even gave him a few whispered praises and an added hug before returning his attention to the two pale men in front of them. 

"You'll understand when you see his human form, but I stand behind my heir's decision," Vrasje finally replied. 

The man who was still standing a little farther away inched closer until he stood shoulder to shoulder with the magistrate. He looked a good deal younger, and also still had a faint glow of youth to his features, but also the shadow of sickness. He must have been changed recently... Perhaps he even belonged to the magistrate as his own heir. 

"Elder Vrasje, I apologize if my words seem rude, but there are laws about wolves in this town, and even though that one is quite small and doesn't seem aggressive..." 

That makes sense. Most towns outlaw wolves, and honestly, most wouldn't even want us there, even in our human forms, anyways. 

Well I want you here and you're staying. 

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