Epilogue ep. 1 Welcome Home

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Hey. I'm gonna be honest. This isn't my best work. You'll see. Sme parts are good. The next one will be better. Sorry this took so long but I'm gonna try to get the other ones out faster. Love Y'all. Eat some waffles. Tell your mom you love her.

"We're gonna have to get your driver's license in order." My mom said, diligently watching the road as we drove home.

"And my freaking YouTube streaming deal... I guess." I replied. "God, the world thinks I'm dead."

"Oh, don't worry. You're all over the news. They probably know."

I grabbed my phone from the cupholder and opened Instagram. If you'll remember, the phone I brought to camp was a phone specifically for filming. I'd never bring my real phone to a fucking island. I scrolled through Insta for the first time in half a year. Different posts, memes, and mentions welcomed me and the rest of the Nublar Seven Home.

"God damn it. We're viral." I said

"I thought that's why you were going to Jurassic World in the first place." My mom said with a smile.

"Yeah... Yeah, it was." I replied, unenthusiastically.

My mom was silent for a moment.

"It might just be the fact that you're tired but... Forcing your way back to a sense of normalcy is just gonna drive you crazy. Especially if your outlook on your normal life has changed."

"I forgot how well you're able to read me," I said.

"It's a gift." She replied.

"I don't know, I just... It's been a long six months."

"You don't have to worry about it right now just... be happy you're home, sweetie. I'm certainly glad. Oh! That reminds me. There's a surprise for you at home."

"Oh no," I said

"Don't say oh no. You'll love this."

"Is it your cookies?"

"No, but that can be arranged. No, this is a little more meaningful."

I rested my head across the car window, seeing the old streets I used to know. That all felt like a lifetime ago. So many memories flooded my mind. That first day... god I can barely remember. I bumped into Brooklynn for the first time. I let down my guard for her. The raptor cage... the first of many near-death situations. Sneaking off to see Toro and seeing the first sign that Kenji might be alright. Watching Sammy's desperate attempts to pull Yaz out of her shell. Revealing my online identity to Brooklynn. The funest day I had in a long time. Editing with Brooklynn. The start of the Yaz-Brooklynn stolen phone war... The Indominus... Falling... Arguing... The first of many speeches from Darius. Surviving the jungle. Bumpy shenanigans. The Van. Eddie. Escaping the Indominus. That thought for a minute that we were gonna get out after finally figuring out how to work together... only for us to crash and burn with the reveal of Sammy's betrayal. Pteranodons. The kayaks. The Mosasaur. The monorail. More Pteranodons. Going through a window. Losing Ben. The tunnels. Blowing Toro to hell. And looking out at the sun setting over an empty dock... with my friends close by, ready to face whatever was coming next... together.

"(y/n)." My mom said, impatiently, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry, what's up?" I replied.

"We're here." She said, stepping out of the car.

I looked through the windshield up at my house. I barely recognized it. It had been a long time. Slowly I stepped out of the car and tentatively walked up the driveway toward the front door.

"You alright, honey." My mom asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," I said slowly up the steps to the door.

She came over anyway and wrapped me up in a hug. "God, I missed you so much."

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