s. 5 ep. 6 Out of the Pack

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Man, this shit is so much fun to write. These middle episodes just make the season for me. I love this dynamic that the main 5 have. They're getting stuff done but they're super casual about it and just have fun. Add that with Kenji's slow realization that he's on the wrong side, BioSyn and Dodgson, Brooklynn and Darius bonding for the first time in a while over their best friend leaving them, Sammy and Yaz getting together and apologizing to the others for being happy when their sad, and Ben reuniting with Bumpy. It's all just so perfect... until those last few episodes. God damn it DreamWorks. Whatever, all the characters are great in these few episodes. Enjoy the story. Waffles. Mom. You know the drill.

POV: 3rd person

"Let me go!" Mr. Kon exclaimed.

Hawkes finally let go of his very animated boss.

"I have to find my son!" He said, angrily.

"No, you don't," Hawkes replied, coolly. "I'll find him."

Suddenly the doors to the penthouse opened and Molina walked out. "What, no dinosaur?" she asked, a little annoyed. "What exactly are you planning on showing my client? I seriously doubt he'll be impressed with your pretty face."

"Give him a break," Mae said. "His son just got buried in a rockslide."

"Not my problem. And I doubt BioSyn will care." Molina said, coldly. "They just want results."

Mr. Kon glared at the woman, then sighed. "She's right. They won't be happy, but if we could just get a little more time."

Suddenly the sounds of heavy footsteps in shrubbery made everyone turn.

Hawkes and one of his mercenaries trained their tranq guns on the trees.

For a moment the only sound was the wind rustling the leaves. Then, Kenji emerged from the jungle.

"I don't think we're gonna need any more time, Dad." He said, confidently. "Toro here is... pretty impressive." he pushed the movement stick forward and Toro emerged behind him with a mighty roar.

Mr. Kon smiled. A happy, proud, unsettling smile. "That's my boy!" He exclaimed, walking forward and putting a hand on his son's shoulder. He looked back to the other adults. "This is a Kon," he said, in a way that sent chills down your spine. He turned back and grinned at his son. An evil grin. One that Kenji was too excited to notice.


POV: (y/n)

The six of us sat around Mae's table. Eating whatever snacks were lying around. Mostly doughnuts and muffins because it was breakfast time. Despite the higher morale as of late, we got straight to business this morning.

"When Mr. Kon comes back," Darius started. "He's gonna want the rest of the control chips."

"We gotta destroy them," Brooklyn said through a mouthful of doughnut.

"Yeah. And get rid of any blueprints or files so he can't make more." Yaz added.

"Where do you think the files are?" Sammy asked

"Kash's computer," I said. "At least it would have most of them."

"Okay," Darius said. "Brooklynn and I will go to Kash's office and delete those files. Sammy, Yaz, and Ben, you go to the workshop and destroy the chips."

"Actually..." Ben interrupted. "I think I've moved beyond pure destruction. I wanna be on Team Delete the Blueprints."

"Really?" Darius asked.

"What happened to 'explosions are my thing'?" Brooklynn added.

"Hey, don't put me in a box. A man can evolve." Ben said

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