A Gift

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Literal dance party.

I had Persephone and Hades with me, helping me clean the mess of a house I made when he was gone but he was coming back sometime eventually.

"This song reminds me of our 50th wedding anniversary." Persephone smiled at Hades.

"I wish my husband could throw a dance party with me." I sighed.

"He would, you just have to ask." Persephone smiled.

"You're telling me that 6'6 load of cement will move when I play Taylor Swift?" I asked.

"If you asked? Yeah. Probably not in front of anyone other than you." Hades nodded.

I shrugged. "Fair."

The entire night we cleaned, gossiped, ate, then Persephone grew tired as she was still half human and was in need of sleep.

We said our goodbyes and Hades told me to inform him if I needed anything tonight incase something happens and I told him I'd do that.


My chin was caressed, a hand on my chest, over my heart bringing me a nostalgic and familiar feeling.

I laid my hand over it, feeling the wedding band, I knew it was him but extra security was required.

"Hey love." He whispered.

I smiled.

"I missed you." I opened my eyes.

"Why are you on the couch?"

"I was cleaning and took a break."

"Well it's 4 am. Can I take you to our bed?"

"Yeah." I leaned into him the second he picked me up.

Pure comfort and joy.

He let me go, I immediately itched to remove my leggings and wondered how the hell I slept with them on.

He left and went into our bathroom.

I watched him undress and shower through the glass.

He was gorgeous. Absolutely breath taking.

He came out, wrapping a towel around his waist while his black curls dropped water onto his chest and back, water droplets running down his throat and abs.

His veins were so prominent and colored, his face emotionless as usual.

I turned myself onto my belly, watching him change in our closet, kicking my legs like a child.

He removed the towel, completely ignoring my fangirling.

My goddddddddd. That man was my motherfucking husband.

I studied him, every veins, every crevice of his body as he dried himself further, pulling on sweats.

The v-line had me in shambles.

And the biceps. God I could eat him up.

I watched him, rotating my body as he went to the bathroom, hanging up the towel, putting on deodorant, brushing his teeth, washing his face.

I loved the muscles and tattoos that also lined his back with the scars he had for his wings.

I would say "he's sculpted like a Greek god" but that seems... funny to say.

"Yes, Amara?" He asked after shaving his 5 o'clock shadow.

"Hm?" I blinked.

"You've been staring for the past half an hour." He finally looked at me, his blue eye raking over my body.

"Mmhm." I nodded.

"Do you need something?" He asked, leaning against the counter, crossing his arms.

I was drooling. I was starved. Deprived.

Going through a deathly withdrawal.

I was eager, it felt like forever since I last had my hands on him. My lips were thirsty, my body was hungry.

I never understood true desire until I had his hands wrapped around my throat.

I didn't realize I actually truly missed him until he was here. Present. Tangible.

I could walk up to him and touch him yet I was nervous because he seemed too real.

He left the room, coming back with a box.

"Remember when I said I got you something?" He was so quiet so I just nodded.

He sat beside me and opened the box.

"I- what's this for?"

"I- what's this for?"

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"It's... an upgrade. I don't know." He shrugged, slightly frowning like he wasn't happy.

"It's beautiful, baby. Thank you." I smiled and leaned forward, kissing his cheek.

"I love it." I looked at it closely.

I just couldn't imagine the cost.

"Yeah?" He asked and I nodded.

I removed the ring I wore now, sliding these on with ease.

"I want to obviously keep this one too." I put my other ring in the box, placing it in my nightstand.

"Thank you, it's so pretty. I feel fancy." I lifted my hand before standing off the bed, standing between his legs, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"It was impulsive but I had a feeling I'd regret not getting it." He rubbed the backs of my thighs even though they were very much pokey.

"I'm grateful for you. Sorry my legs are fuzzy and sharp." I laughed.

"I don't give a fuck." He murmured, adjusting so his face was in my cleavage over my shirt.

I stood, smiling as I went to do my night stuff just without the hair washing.

Suddenly he was stalking me the same way I was him.

God I missed him.

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