Shield of Gray

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I was sad the honeymoon was over, so while he went to collect souls, I was reading Love, Theoretically by Ali Hazelwood.

Loved her books so much.

I was so excited about the new release and Hades gifted it to me when I'd come back.

It had been merely two days since Thanatos has actually been here and whenever I did see him he was irritated.

Not toward me, he tried being so kind and gentle but I could tell he was just so annoyed.

So I kept a distance until he wasn't overwhelmed.

Aphrodite would consistently check up on me, testing to see how quick my mortal to immortal would progress.

Now I have what she calls a "selective womb" so whenever I'm ready for a child I can decide so, but until then I couldn't get pregnant.

I asked how and she shrugged and said, "Thanatos has a breeding kink so as a Demi-god I wanted to give him a gift" and I just blinked awkwardly.

She giggled and teased me.

She said "just wait, my pearl, it'll be the best thing your body will experience."

I just hummed, returning to my book.

And now I was alone and almost halfway through this book.

I'd read three in the past 2 days.

Ingrid always checked on me, keeping me fed, giving updates on Thanatos and his whereabouts.

He'd call me once in a while but he didn't like talking to me when he was upset.

Which I respected because I'd rather healing space than face to face insults.

So I gave him what he needed.

And his aura has been so shadowed, it was always black, but it was like a bubble of fog and darkness around him.

So as it grew, I kept my distance, trying to do little things like washing his tunics and clothing he wore, making our bed, cleaning our room and bathrooms often.

I set the book down, grabbing my phone.

I scrolled through Pinterest, adding books to my little TBR note pad/journal I had for books I wanted to read.

I heard the door open, stomps echoing through the house.

Then silence.

"You can have the night off, Ingrid. Thank you for the past two days." He murmured and she politely excused herself.

Two soft knocks.

"Yes?" I asked and the door opened, his entire body almost eloped in black.

It was the darkest I'd ever seen, his blue eye staring through me.

He listed a pale hand to his neck, unclipping his tunic as it fell behind him.

He came to me, grabbing my phone and journal, placing the pen with the journal on our dresser before grabbing my hair and pulling me to my feet.

I yelped but I was cut off as he kissed me.

His other hand was on the small of my back, pulling me against him, his other hand controlling my head movements.

I had goosebumps from how freezing he was.

He kissed me slow, but so deep, my entire body was on fire and my lungs inhaled the smell of death, he wore it like a perfume. It was dark, I was wrapped in what death felt like, he was pouring all of his dread into me, pulling me down with him.

He pulled my hair, my head falling back as he kissed my throat, his tongue moving over my jugular, his teeth gently scraping at my skin.

The hand that was on my back popped the back of my bra, his hands releasing me, moving to my waist, pulling my shirt over my head.

"Todays been rough, do me a favor and undress like a good girl." He whispered, his voice hoarse.

I could barely see him through the fog but all I knew was he wore a tight black shirt and jeans, his shirt lifted enough for a sliver of translucent skin to show, revealing the texture of his V-line and the veins that lied there.

I pulled my bra off, shimmying from my sweat pants, his hands immediately grasping my hips, his fingers playfully sliding under the seam of the underwear.

My body was once against perfectly against him, his mouth on mine. My body boiling in his frigid presence.

I felt myself beginning to slip into the same dread he felt, but I was upset he was putting it on me.

But at the same token, I'm his wife, I needed to help him. Be there.

I bit his lower lip, not hard but I heard the break of his skin as blood trickled down his chin and he moaned, his hands moving up my sides, squeezing my waist.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, my hands at the nape as I moved onto my tip toes, kissing his throat.

"I know you're angry. But I'm yours, I'll only ever be yours sir. I'm not exactly sure what you want, but I trust you." I whispered beside his ear, his hands softly moving down my back, his hands rough against my soft skin, gripping my ass harshly and I groaned.

"Knees." He whispered.

I gently fell to my knees, looking up at him, getting no visual clarity, the fog completely consuming me as well.

Who needed a blindfold when you had an angry husband.

His hands came down, in front of my face.

I took them.

He placed one over the bulge in his jeans, the other over the belt buckle. Then he grabbed my chin.

"Time is endless, my love. Take your time." He murmured, his voice echoing in our shield of gray.

I was scared, but I understood this is what he wanted, and he knew I wasn't experienced. So I'd do it in trust he'd teach me.

His hand releasing my chin, moving up the side of my face, his skin leaving a cold yet burning sensation behind.

I took a deep breath. But I had an overwhelming desire to please. So that's what I'd do.

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