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She was no longer tired, her hands gently scratching my back as I was lying down on my stomach, hugging a pillow.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"I'm alright."

"That's not what I asked. I asked if you were okay."


"Wanna talk about it? If not I understand." Her nails gently traced over my tattoos.

I reached into my nightstand handing her washable markers.

"Seriously?" She asked.

I nodded.

She gasped, the sound of the cardboard opening immediately as she poured out all the colors.

"Death is hard." I murmured.

"Well, I suppose."

"Why do you only suppose?"

I felt her begin coloring my back.

"I think death has perks. Granted I was never religious, but I wasn't scared of growing old, I never was scared of dying. What would happen is what would happen." She told me.

"People are scared of what happens after death. Unsure if life was actually more than physically being here. But I think people when they naturally reach a point within their life they become comfortable with the thought of it imagining connecting with lost loved ones." She clicked the cap back on one, grabbing another color.

"There's so much fear before he peace though." I murmured.

"Well yeah. But you get scared for a roller coasters drop, but it still happens and you can't turn back so you scream through it until it's over. When it's over you acknowledge you did it, that's it. It's done. No more anticipation or fear. But I'm also biased as a human who now knows what happens on the other side." She shrugged.

I nodded.

"But I understand your feelings. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm undermining them. I understand, and it makes sense you feel that way." She told me.

I smiled.

"Thank you sweetheart." I shut my eyes.

I felt something funny.

"D-Did you just lick my back?" I turned my head and looked at her.

"Yeah, I colored outside the line." She grinned at me.

"Did you have to lick me?"

"You lick me all the time." She rolled her eyes.

"There's a difference."


"There is."

"What? What's the difference?" She raised her eyebrows.

"I do it to turn you on and because you're sexy. You licked marker off me."

"It's romantic." She smiled, dimples out, chin up.

"Weirdo." I mumbled.

"I'll bite you." She leaned down, biting down on the skin beside my shoulder blade.

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